Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Looking to understand

    Some things in this world don't make sense and probably never will make sense.  With the latest shooting in Las Vegas we saw the hand of the enemy doing what it does best...destruction and mayhem.  With 59 lives lost and over 500 injured the cost was great.  The toll will last for decades as people struggle to feel safe and free to enjoy themselves when in any place other than their homes.  It's not safe there either.  The irony is the death toll that most of America ignores every year.  There are 1.3 million abortions where baby is killed mostly for the selfish desire to not be accountable for their actions.  Then there are the 400,000 deaths in the hands of our physicians in hospitals and elsewhere every year.  Now we also have the gangs, repeat offenders, deranged people with psychiatric issues and your every day neighbor next door who has a deadly secret.  How can we understand what's happening much less why this is happening.  Here are a couple thoughts that I feel help with the understand.
     First, the prophecy is that the world needs to be worse than in the days of Noah before Jesus will return.  The word "worse" simply means we aren't at the end of the depravity of mankind yet.  It's going to get worse and there is nothing we can do about it. Prophecy tells us that there will be wars and rumors of wars and that people will turn on one another destroying relationships and empowering the evil of the world.  Still the end won't come.  Secondly, we have a deadened sense of what is going on around us.  We don't react to violence as we used to.  With the plethora of violent video games, TV shows and movies all around us we don't stand a chance.  Using the TV or video games to placate a child (they are children until they are 18) has only kicked in the door of personal responsibility and empowered the enemy to be in every home in America.  We simply have taken that which we have been blessed with and turned it into an entitlement with no sense of accountability.  Third, we have abandoned our focus on Jesus.  Like a frog put in cold water and then boiled to death, we sit here and don't do anything to get out of the water ourselves.  Our goose is cooked and we have let it happen.  If good people do nothing then who will?  Do we really believe what we say that we believe?  Does being a Christian mean anything at all to American Christians?
     Understand this; you and I are responsible for what's going on in the world.  We either by being active or inactive have helped create the violent world we live in.  Christians have to do better than that.  We have no excuse.  Jesus is the only answer to the woes of our world.  What are we doing to bring Jesus to these situations?  Do we care enough to be labeled a "Christian" in the real context of the word?  Do we set aside our "religion" in order to be part of the problem? For many the answer is in the affirmative.  James tells us that "if we don't do what we know is right to do, we sin."  Do you and I know what is right and wrong?  Yes, if we know Jesus we know that if it's love it's Jesus and if it's not love, it's the enemy.  Where do you put yourself?  This isn't a multiple guess problem.  The Bible is clear in stating that we cannot have one foot in the world and one in heaven.  We cannot serve two masters.  It's either the world or Jesus.  Without Jesus we have all that's happening mentioned in the first paragraph.  With Jesus we can bring the love of Jesus to a hurting world one person at a time.  I don't need to understand the mindset of the shooter in Las Vegas in order to understand that what was done was evil.  What are Christians doing about it?  It's always about your choice an always is your choice.

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