Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Just before dawn...

     This morning I was awake while it was still dark enjoying my solitude and God's creation.  I have a seat facing my backyard through a sliding glass door.  I watched as the pre-dawn began.  It's been a memorizing time for me ever since I was a teenager.  I would go out to hunt ducks making my way quietly to their hideout.  When the pre-dawn began I knew that soon it would be dawn and I could hopefully bring home some dinner.  Over the years I've been camping a lot and watched the pre-dawn with anticipation of the rising of the sun.  Some are ordinary and others are spectacular with fire rising in the sky.  All of it was and is God's creation.  I'd like to think he created this time just for me but I know others enjoy the pre-dawn and sunrise as well.  For those of you who are not morning people, the sunset and it's progression to setting will serve the same purpose.  I'm a big fan of sunsets as well.  God wants us to take time to enjoy his creation and to meditate on Him.  This doesn't have to be in a formal setting.  I do so in my jammies with coffee in my hand.  The ability to stop and enjoy God's creation and his fellowship are given to us for our good.  Christians who do not take the time to be quiet and know that he is God are missing out on sweet fellowship with our Creator.
     It's not a vaccination to keep us from the world.  We end up moving forward instead of staying stuck in the moment.  It's not about the early bird getting the worm either.  It's preparation and focus on what's important and putting aside that which isn't as important.  I know all to many Christians who's lives are harried and out of whack.  Maybe that's you today?  It's been me in the past.  No one is excluded from life here on earth and immune to it's many challenges.  No one.  I've been building a shop for about 9 months now.  I have gathered much of my materials free from Craigslist and then other materials from auctions because I don't have a lot of excess money laying around.  Being able to see the finished project doesn't mean it's finished.  That's true about our lives as well.  We are a project...in motion hopefully.  Just like the pre-dawn comes upon us and then the dawn so is the movement in our lives when we allow the Holy Spirit to infuse us with wisdom, grace and love.  Should we allow that infusion, we can then infuse others with God's wisdom, grace and love.  You can't give away what you don't have.
     With my enjoyment of the pre-dawn comes the realization that you and I cannot hold onto the night and will it to not end.  Nor can we with the sunset.  There is motion in time just as there is motion in your and my lives.  What speed that motion takes place is dependent upon our letting Christ have our lives to do as he wills.  I know that the sunrise will be there just as I know the pre-dawn will be there after the night.  You know that too.  When we are aware of who made those times, we become aware that we need the same flow in our lives.  I can't always say that I practice what I preach (imagine a long intake of breath).  The truth, God's truth, will set you free from your and the world's truth.  With God all things become possible as we are set free.  Through us the pre-dawn can come to many should we be set free.  When we are in that space where God has freedom to be love to the world around us things happen with others.  We, by living the Christian life, can make people hungry for what we have.  But, in order for that to happen you need to make one move.  Remember, it's always your choice.

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