Monday, August 22, 2016

What is wrong with us?

     It's easy to say, "everything is wrong with us." and there is a lot of truth in that statement.  I know some of what is wrong with me.  You know some of what is wrong with you as well.  We lead ourselves to justify the small things because we are "working on the big picture."  Really?  I know that I've been guilty of that.  Yet, it's the small things that trip us up.  We may not know it at first but as we become more aware we are convinced that this one small thing caused a whole lot of problem and perhaps even turned into the big thing.  For example, we take off from home and didn't let the kids get a potty stop before we got on the road for that family trip.  You guessed it, about 3 miles down the road there is that incessant cry of "I have to go to the bathroom!  Real bad!"  So you turn around, go back home and make that potty stop.  Once again on the road to destinations still in the future you find that they are now hungry beyond belief!  They want this or that and so you swing through a fast food with images of catsup and mustard on your new cars back seat.  When you finally get to your destination, the kids put asleep and you have a moment to yourself you reflect on what happened.  The first cause is soon found in your failing to put together a plan.  Putting the plan together would have enacted action to check off the items on the list which would have prevented the stops and the delay in getting to where you are exhausted.  You get the drift.  The big picture begins with you and I choosing to do something or not do something.
     What's wrong with me is I do the "partially think things through" plan.  I have a general idea of what may or may not be needed and go for it.  I don't cross the "T's" or dot the "I's" and pay the piper for the mistake.  Now you may be thinking I'm talking about everyday life in the worlds sense.  I'm not.  I'm talking about my spiritual life.  I'm talking about going by the playbook of life outlined in the Bible.  When I take time to put my life on the altar and let Him direct my path (straight and narrow) as well as pay attention to the light (only for a few feet ahead of me at the time). then my life has a good first choice.  When I don't do that, well, disaster is bound to come upon me and those who are around me.  We have a tendency to share out wrong emotions and not share those emotions which God wants us to share.  It's much easier to share my impatience and anger than patience and peace.  You see, there is a lot wrong with us.  Some of us have a bigger share than others and that's just the way it is.  For those of us who do, God has lots in store for us in a positive way.  Don't worry, God sees what is wrong with us and his love for us never changes.  He also sees what is right with us and tries to encourage us in those ways.  After all, we are to love others as we are loved by Him. 
     Not to let this go quite yet, there is another aspect we must look at.  Maybe what's wrong with us is found in those we associate with and the places we go along with the absence of Godly men and women in our lives.  There are those people who need you and I to be terrible so that they look better.  Shame on them.  There are those places where you need to be less than God wants you to be in order to be accepted in this world.  Shame on you.  There are those who's mouths make us sick.  Yet, we don't walk away, we don't confront, and we don't pray for them or the situation.  Why? Because we don't want anyone in the world to think there is anything wrong with us.  We have a Boston Terrier that thinks she is the queen of everything.  She isn't afraid of any dog or other animal for that matter.  The problem is that she puts herself out there as invincible and we need to come to her rescue.  When finished she still thinks she is queen of everything.  Perhaps you and I do that to.  We don't have to fight in any manner where Jesus can easily take care of the enemy.  But then, it's your choice.  It always has been.

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