Monday, August 15, 2016

What is it that you fear what others think of you?

     What is it about fear that makes us immobilized to do or say or feel the way we do?  Does the grip have such a hold on us that we cannot break free and bee who God wants us to be?  The Bible says that "perfect love (God's) casts out all fear."  I struggle to understand that at times.  Usually tragedy takes me there the quickest.  Fear is the next area.  Fear of being good enough, fear of not being fit enough, fear of no looking good enough...the list is inexhaustible.  Why is it that our lives are so fear based?  What do we think, feel or say that shows our fear?  The equation is simple to write but hard to understand.  The opposite of fear is love in the Christian world.  Except when we try to understand that "the fear of the Lord is..."  The love/fear relationship isn't easily understood or conveyed because it's so simple we don't understand.  Here is an example:  I am outside my home and there is moderate traffic.  I tell my kids (because I love them) that they are to ride their bikes ONLY in the driveway.  Because I love them I watch over them by being RIGHT THERE with them.  Because I love them I deny myself and have my eyes on them overlooking their health, safety and welfare.  Because I love them when they wander beyond the boundary I YELL at them out of love for them...and for fear of losing that love on my part.  I want them protected, encouraged, and to live a long and productive life glorifying God.  What Christian parent doesn't.
     But what about your spouse, children, boss, neighbor, fellow church attendee, and the lady at the supermarket?  Why do we put so much importance on being pleasing to and with them?  Fear that we won't be acceptable, fear that what we represent them will be offensive, or perhaps fear that we will be viewed in a negative light?  You pick one or all; they are all part of our makeup.  Society (the world) wants us to give in, buckle under and be what they want us to be.  What makes them feel comfortable, accepted and okay.  So what about the Christians who spend money they don't have for that special Easter outfit or Christmas gift when their poor fellow worshipper has little or nothing?  Well, the Christian (that is worldly) certainly doesn't want to be seen like them nor do they want to be seen less than those who they perceive as above them.  I spent many years as a police office in a busy city.  I spent countless hours in emergency rooms with victims and suspects and took a few dying declarations.  What I found in ALL people was the fear of what was going to happen.  That fear caused them to do and say things in order to be "ready" should they be called home to heaven or hell.  Deathbed confessions are a result of fear and not love.  They are not of God.  In the end, when we are in the coroners office we are all the same...a body who's soul has left it.  Nothing more and nothing less. 
     Perspective is in the eye of the beholder.  If you are wanting to be seen a certain way, you will project that.  If you don't want to be seen in a certain way, you will live that in secret.  both are fear based and not of love.  Have you ever met someone who is truly in love with Jesus?  They don't care what the world thinks of what they think, say or do because thy are in love with Jesus and would rather be who he wants them to be than to be what the world wants them to be.  Is that what you seek or do you dress up for Easter and Christmas?  Do you seek the love of the world who will abandon you in an instant or do you seek the love of God so incredible that Jesus died for you.  Would you die for him?  Would you give your life in service to God as Jesus did in service to you?  It's not a complex question.  It's not a trick question.  Nor is it a question that you need to ignore, avoid or deny.  That is, unless you fear what people might think of you.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of understanding.  Jesus is love.  Perfect love casts out all fear.  It's really a matter of personal choice in light of Scripture and not man's understanding.  It's always been your choice.

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