Monday, August 8, 2016

The law of Christian relativity

     With every action (or lack of action) there is an equal or opposite action placed in motion.  For instance, there you are out of gas and the actions generated from your choosing not to fill at that station you passed because of it's high price come full circle to you.  You sit on the side of the road with traffic whizzing by and you are no closer to work than if you had stayed home.  So, you call in and cancel that important meeting putting other people's schedules open to schedule or reschedule which has wasted their time which they still get paid for.  Your wife, who is bringing you gas, has to expend gas, pack up the children, coral the dogs and then pick up the gas can, go to that station you passed and pay more money than you think necessary only to be at your location an hour after you have run out of gas.  It's not over.  Your wife now has to go back home, rush to get the kids ready for school (for which they are late), and get herself ready for her job (for which she is late now) and then off to work.  Her car is full of gas because she chose to fill the tank after she got to work the night before.  You arrive to work to a bunch of managers who have had to cancel the meeting and then try to find a new time in their schedules to fit in the rescheduled meeting your miffed secretary has had to take care of.  You decide that you need to fill the car with gas at lunch time and cancel that client lunch in order to not repeat the event tomorrow.  Did I mention you are now on "the list" with the dogs, wife and kids? 
     We don't live in a world run by woulda, coulda, or shoulda.  We life in a world dictated by "if".  Not in the "past" way but in the present and future way.  If I do this then that will happen.  If I prepare for this than I can avoid that happening.  Most likely your life (as mine at times) is run by the past and not the present or the future.  Do we live in fear of what past choices have brought upon us?  Do we cower in our cubicles when we know we should say something?  Do we take time for personal pleasures but not for God?  All of these are indicators that we are living in the past with past consequences.  There are equal and opposite reactions dependent on our choices.  When I consider speaking to someone about Jesus I don't worry if I offend them or if I am overstepping a company policy.  I am doing what God has told me to do in the situation through the Holy Spirit.  The Bible says that the Word of God will never return void.  That's a future tense situation.  We are called to share and then leave God to do the work.  If we choose to not share then the Gospel ends there.  Perhaps you will hear someone else ask the question, "Do you know Jesus?" and the person respond, "No, but I would like to." You are left with that feeling that you could have asked that question before they had suffered that tragedy, became an addict, lost their marriage and family.  But you choose the opposite reaction. 
     So, with all the days choices in front of us as we start every day new.  We don't need to drag yesterday with us.  We don't need to contend for tomorrow.  All we need to do is live in this moment listening to the Holy Spirit, doing what we are supposed to be doing for God and the rest will fall into the place God has already formed for us.  We don't need to consider what anyone else thinks or does.  This is only about you and your relationship with God.  If we have the proper God focus (love him with everything) then we will have the proper world focus (love them as you love yourself).  What could go wrong?  Plenty in the eyes of the world.  Nothing in the eyes of God.  He has been planning this moment in our lives for eternity.  His moving around of people, places and things is invisible to us until that moment it happens.  He may have been waiting just for that moment when you give up and let him get you up.  The prayers of the saints are uttered with belief in the future not the past.  The actions of the Godly man and women in your lives are conducted with the future in mind and not the past.  The actions, thoughts and beliefs you hold are for this moment.  What are you going to do?  It's always your choice.

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