Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Things we are uncomfortable with.

     We can talk about our comfortable places, things and ideas all day long.  We can exhort all of them to our friends, family and sometimes even complete strangers.  What we don't do is talk about the uncomfortable.  Like, for instance, when you are in a group of people at work or elsewhere and someone uses the Lord's name in vain.  Or when someone in that same group tells a racial or otherwise untasteful joke.  Perhaps you are with a group of women from church and because you are such spiritual people you gossip about that or this woman, man, pastor or whomever may come to mind.  In all of these situations you choose to say nothing, giggle along, ignore, tolerate or even join in on the behavior, speech or dissing.  We are uncomfortable in all of the areas where Jesus isn't.  Jesus isn't uncomfortable in any situation.   Confront the woman at the well?  Done that.  Heal the woman who touched his cloak.  Done that.  Chased the money changers out of the temple.  Yep, he did that as well.  Jesus wasn't uncomfortable about upholding that which is right.  Why are we so uncomfortable?  Paul wasn't uncomfortable anywhere either before his conversion or afterwards.  His confidence drove his comfort zone.  Even when he switched sides there evidenced no fear.  The disciples were uncomfortable from time to time (most of the time) until they were filled with the Holy Ghost.  Remember until that moment they were hiding from the Jews. 
     When we consider our salvation we should understand one primary concept: the more comfortable we are in Christ, the more uncomfortable the world around us will be.  Our desire to be comfortable with Jesus is only overshadowed in our discomfort to be what he wants and needs us to be.  Do you believe that you are comfortable in your life with Christ?  Then tell him why you don't do what he is asking you to do.  Do you feed the poor?  Do you confront the sinner?  Do you proclaim the Gospel?  Do you take care of the widow and orphan?  Do you speak truth into other's lives?  Do you do anything to further the kingdom of God?  If you can't answer yes to these questions then you are uncomfortable being a Christian.  Perhaps it's a good time to re-examine your salvation and see if you have really given your life to Christ?  We like to think because we go to church, pray over meals or even say "Praise the Lord!" in private that we are comfortable when the truth be told we are not even close.  Stepping up to the plate means we need to choose Christ's comfort zone and let the world be uncomfortable with Him as the head of our life. 
     I was once chastised for a bumper sticker on my car that proclaimed "abortion stops a beating heart."  They (family member) also criticized my Christian bumper stickers stating that they might be offensive to others.  That's the point!  Get out of your comfort zone and stand for something!  Stand for Godly principles, God's best, God's Son, and the salvation you have through Jesus!  Stand up and do what is right, say what is right, think what is right.  Be comfortable in your life with Jesus AND make no apology for that life!  Let others be uncomfortable.  It's their choice.  You, on the other hand, don't need to be sensitive to their choice.  Why?  Because you have made the choice to serve the God of the universe and know with whom your life has life.  Remaining in the uncomfortable zone is for the world and not for the Christian.  It's your choice.  It has always been your choice.

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