Friday, October 23, 2015

When things go wrong as they sometimes will...

     ....and it won't help to have a drink or take a pill.  Ever have one of those days, weeks, months or years?  I have.  I'm sure there are many Christians who can associate with the feeling of not wanting to have "one more thing" happen to further the complexity of life.  Whether it's small or big, when things go wrong no one is happy.  Well, except Satan.  He likes to see us flounder when things go wrong.  He celebrates our failure and failings alike  Well, I floundered good yesterday!  Disappointment after disappointment filled my day.  Henry and I did take a nap in the afternoon and that was good.  My first problem was to not find myself on my knees praying.  My second problem was to not find myself talking with someone.  My third problem was to not find myself realizing that the problems were all temporary.  So, I went to bed early, had a bad nights sleep and awoke realizing I needed to reset the clock and begin
     Like you, I don't usually go around looking for problems.  They seem to find me with little or no problem.  Problems that strike the deepest are usually relationship problems.  Expectations that someone or a group would say, act and be as expected hold power for right or wrong.  When things are good the expectations rise.  When things are not good our expectations fall.  Being able to rely on people for some of the little things like assurance is one thing; being able to rely on people for some of the big things like commitment is entirely another thing.  When times get tough our expectations and commitments are stretched to the maximum.  The closer the relationship, the higher the stakes.  So, when the straw that breaks the camels back comes, we have our world collapse or at least take a major hit.  Stumbling around on our own is simply a sign that we have turned from God to self. Then when things finally hit the wall we do what? 
      Here's the part where we should turn to God and relinquish the situations, problems and people in our lives to Jesus.  But, if you are like me, you don't do that.  First you try to fix the problems yourself.  When that doesn't work you try to blame the problems on someone or something that you have no control over.  Finally, you develop a negative attitude and negative expectations of all that is around you.  Having hit that wall, what do you do?  I went to bed.  It wasn't the right choice but it is what I did.  What would have been the best thing to do would have realized that what I was feeling about treatment of others and situations towards me were the same that I in turn had done to God.  The real problem (amongst all problems) is separation from the first love relationship with God.  Taking to the streets and doing it on our own.  Trying to analyze the problems from a worldly point of view.  Blaming and accusing situations and others for my choices.  Does anyone else do this?  Am I the only one who when things go wrong do NOT turn to God first and foremost? 
     So, when things go wrong as they sometimes do...go to God.  Focus on God. Listen to God.  Rest in God.  Lean on God.  Be loved by God.  He's the sure thing and is waiting to take care of you and I. 

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