Saturday, October 17, 2015

It's Saturday morning

     Saturdays are meant for sleeping in, doing odd jobs around the place, relaxing with family and throwing ball with the boys.  Maybe even take in a movie, have lunch out and go see extended family for dinner.  Saturdays are meant for relaxing and enjoying those around us.  Yet, like many people, I have a endless list.  There is never enough time or money to exhaust this list.  From the smallest of items to the huge projects we bury ourselves with what needs to be done.  My tendency is to work on two or three projects at the same time.  This drives people who know me crazy!  It's how I work.  Facing an out of town trip today for 3 days I've spent the last week working on stuff that I may have left for the weekend.  Maybe you too do this kind of schedule.  Maybe someone else makes the list for you.  I certainly have contributed more to my list than anyone else could think of.  So, where does the "rest" come in?  Where do we find the "relax" in weekend? 
     Priorities are important for all ages and for all situations.  The greater the stakes the higher the priority.  The wife's car has a flat tire versus playing golf with an old friend?  You could just call AAA but then she could do that just as well.  So, you delay the golf game and become her hero because you put her first.  Your son has a ballgame or daughter has a dance recital (stereotype) and you really wanted to watch THE game on TV with your next door neighbor.  You make the right choice and your kids come first.  Priorities also have to do with investment on future return.  While the game would have been great to see; your kids future and your place in their hearts comes first.  Priorities don't always appear on a piece of paper with a list of things to be done.  Sometimes priorities just "happen."  You know what I mean.  It's the choice at that very moment of what you are going to do.  Your wife wants to go shopping and wants you to come alone.  It's more than an invitation; it's a plea for some of your time.  With all the above situations weighing on you, you make the choice that is what you feel best for that time and place.  I'm not saying which choice!
     Living the Christian life in this very busy and complicated world is demanding for those who struggle with priorities and Saturday mornings.  There is a formula that Jesus laid out for all believers everywhere and in all situations.  He was so adamant that he repeats the formula time and time again.  Jesus said, "Put me first and everything else will be okay."  Well maybe that's not an exact quote but it is what he said.  We think the opposite for the most part.  WE do our part and wait for Jesus to do his part of what we plan.  Then when things go south or don't happen we wonder why.  I've written before about the importance of the present.  The present is a time where God and you and I intersect.  We're given choices and asked to choose Plan A.  It might be something as mundane as do I do the dishes or wash the laundry.  The choice is still there between Plan A (God's plan) and Plan B (my plan).  Whenever I choose Plan A things fall into place.  Whenever I choose Plan B things tend to fall apart. 
     Abandonment of self requires surrender and attachment somewhere else.  If we are to NOT live our lives we need to have something or someone live our lives.  We can choose to have God live our lives or washing our car, playing golf, watching the game or whatever live our lives.  We can extend grace to others on our terms or God's terms.  Though we may see good come from our extending grace; God's grace extended is the real deal.  The return on living my life for God is always greater and more rewarding than anything I could do with Plan B.  Whenever we are faced with a decision we should ask ourselves whether or not God wants us to make that decision one way or another.  It's Saturday morning and you have a list before you.  What are you going to do?  It's your choice.

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