Sunday, October 18, 2015

When it seems God is silent...

     Sometimes, when we want the most, it seems God is silent.  I use the word "seems" because for the most part the ownership of perception is on us.  We know things in our mind that haven't travelled to our heart and make assumptions based on what we think we know rather than what we believe.  It seems I can breathe because I am living and yet I cannot do so without oxygen which seems to be everywhere.  However, behind the "seeming" comes a myriad of other impacting "evidence" we manufacture over time.  It would seem that God didn't answer my prayers for a gentleman whom I prayed for in my church.  His girlfriend was ill and he wanted prayer for her healing.  I prayed with all my heart that this woman would be healed and that he would be blessed.  He stopped coming to church so I went to visit him.  I asked him why he stopped coming to church.  He said that God hadn't answered my prayers and that his girlfriend had died.  It "seemed" to him God hadn't answered prayers.  One way God heals those who are ill or elderly (both in this case) was to take them home to be with him.  We don't like the results of prayer if they don't serve our wants and needs.  It seems like we are the ones with the misconception.
     But what about injured children, those injured and killed in war or accidents, the child who dies before birth, the husband, wife, or otherwise healthy person?  What about them?  Doesn't God care about them?  Doesn't God care about us?  What are we to do when we lose someone, someone we love has a terminal illness or is gravely injured?  We don't know what is going on behind our limit of knowledge and belief.  I believe that God heals the wounded or ill anyway he chooses.  That choosing is based on multiple issues.  For instance, he knows of your love for your loved one.  He knows what life will be like for you should they be taken home.  He knows that you have limits of what you can take (and everyone is different).  What we wrestle with is what we don't know about the will of God.  Being the receiver of the death of a child (twice), the death of a loved one (many times), the grave illness or injury of someone I love (several times over), and the sudden death of a person close to me (twice), I too have wondered why God was silent.  His purpose seemed to be just as invisible as his action or inaction. 
     What we often miss in the equation is the difference between our desire and His will in ALL of our lives.  Sometimes a life needs to be wrecked in order to be saved.  I don't remember who said that but do know that it's true none the less.  Sometimes the answer is long time in coming while at other times the answer seems to never come.  Seems only because we won't know until we get to Heaven.  Then it won't matter.  The purpose and will of God is that all mankind be saved.  The choice of mankind is to do what they want.  The purpose of the will of God is that we be loved, accepted and approved in this life and beyond.  The choice of mankind is to do what they want.  The purpose and will of God is to grant, answer and bless us with answers to our prayers ACCORDING TO HIS WILL.  The choice of mankind is to do what they want.  It would seem that we are going to remain in this conflict without the faith and belief (they are different) that God is who he says he is, does what he says he will do, and answer our prayers according to his will instead of ours.  Yet, the choice of mankind is to still do what they want.  In doing what they want expectations (often unrealistic) are thrown up to heaven demanding answers outside of the will of God.  It seems mankind has it wrong. 
     James (half brother of Jesus) said we ask and do not receive because we ask with wrong motives.  When we don't receive we kill and steal in order to consume for ourselves that which we want.  It seems that God should be silent in these instances.  If we don't believe that God can do whatever he says he can do; we should ask for more faith.  At least that's what the Bible says.  Pray without ceasing.  At least that's what the Bible says.  Accept that even though we don't understand that God is working our all the intricacies in our lives non-stop 24/7.  Even when it seems God is silent.

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