Monday, October 5, 2015

How to be thankful for Monday morning...I think.

     Mondays have become one of the most disturbing and hated events in people's lives all over the world.  We dread Monday!  Monday means going back to work for most people.  Monday means the weekend is over.  Monday means facing the "grind" for yet another 5 days (or more) with people you may or may not like.  Monday means traffic, crowded business calendars, obstinate and power hungry managers who dump too much work on your desk.  Yep, Monday's suck for the most part.  What if they didn't have to?  What if Mondays were something we could look forward to?  Imagine being content and at peace all day on Monday.  Some of us would need to start on Sunday night when our minds begin to ramp up for Monday.  There are some people who can't handle being at home for 2 days and love to return to work on Monday.  I've even encountered people who seem to have peace all the time and not just on the weekends. 
     What would it be like to be thankful for Monday?  For beginners our stress levels would lower.  We may even be asked if our doctor put us on new medications!  The Bible tells us to be thankful for all things.  Okay, we can but will we.  On President's Day this last February I was minding my own business when I had a heart attack.  Suddenly my world was tossed upside down.  President's Day was and is always on a Monday.  My Monday's would be changed forever.  After being taken to a hospital ER I was reminded that life was fragile and could go away in the time it takes us to draw our last breath.  Being thankful for Monday requires us to remember that going into Monday is a blessing that can be gone in an instant.  I remember the first time my firstborn went off to school (kindergarten) and that feeling of fear for him and I!  It was a Monday.  Mondays would change forever as each of my kids would go off to their first day of school on a Monday.  I'm thankful that they and I lived through the event and grew from it.  Remembering life's lessons is important in our being thankful for what God has given us, allowed us to experience and promises to give.
     Over my lifetime God has richly blessed me in ways that I certainly haven't deserved.  I have a car that can take me to appointments on Monday.  Others don't.  I have food in my pantry so I can have a meal before I go off on Monday.  Others don't.  I have a closet with more clothes and shoes than I could possibly need for Monday.  Others don't.  There are friends in my life that I can pray for every Monday.  I'm thankful for what others don't have.  Every Monday I'm thankful for the chance once again to make differences in others lives because I've been so blessed.  Something others don't have.  I live in the greatest country in the world with freedom like no other.  Others aren't so lucky.  My medical care and other needs are taken care of so much that sometimes I take them for granted.  Others don't even have the care they need. 
     Mondays give us the chance to look outside of ourselves and see what we really have to be thankful for that so many don't.  Mondays are what we make them.  Mondays signify another day of life!  Mondays are another chance to do what we should have done last week and are putting off for next week.  Mondays can be the hallmark of our week instead of the pit we see them as.  What we do on Mondays to be thankful is totally up to us.  It's a conscious decision we make every week.  We don't need to be changed with the "same old thing" mentality when we approach Monday.  The Bible encourages us to make every day holy and give praise to God for another day of life in Him.  There are many things we could complain about on any given day.  There are things we can be thankful for on Monday.

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