Tuesday, October 13, 2015

What then shall we do?

     What then shall we do?  Well, we've been blessed with the abilities we have.  We can (most) read, write and of course do simple math.  Well, maybe not the math.  I don't like math and have found over the years that math doesn't like me as well.  We have abilities to do physical or mental functions (most) that can enrich our lives as well as the lives around us.  The deck is obviously being stacked against the choice to do nothing.  But they you've probably already guessed that would happen.  While it's true that people can work on an empty stomach, we do have food (most) to give us the renewed energy to do that which we do day in and day out.  Then of course we are able to go outside because we have clothes and won't scare away our neighbors landing us in jail.  What then shall we do?  Something!  Anything!  The right thing!
      My computer froze on the 9th of October.  The computer still works...just in the past only.  I know that there is a problem that can be fixed and will get it fixed soon.  Until then I use another laptop and pray that it doesn't freeze from my use as well.  While I could have gone to the library and post that I wouldn't be posting for a while; I didn't.  I did something.  I borrowed a family members computer so that I could go on doing what I believe that God wants me to do.  I didn't let the computer problem keep me from doing something.  We all have times in our lives where we have spent more time and energy on not doing anything than it would have taken to just do something.  Getting started is always a problem for mankind.  We tend to look at life as jumping out of one frying pan and into another.  Neither one is comfortable or ever goes away.  Making excuses then is not an option to the question: "What then shall we do?"
     I get a kick out of Moses and the patience of God.  That guy used every excuse in the book and made up some new ones along the way.  Yet, God chose him to be the leader and messenger of God to the people.  After many miracles (very dramatic ones) we see the Israelites about to enter the Promised Land.  This is after 40 years of wandering in the desert because they couldn't do what they were supposed to do.  They, in essence, practiced not having faith.  They seemed to be able to complain, find excuses and desire the worst of life (going back to Egypt) over the ongoing and visible provision of God.  It's not a matter of "if" but of "when" we have done the same thing.  Amazingly we have accomplished the same ends they have accomplished.  Often that end is simply nothing.  What then shall we do?
     Trusting God to carry us through life for His purpose means we submit and do what He asks without question.  When we do this things tend to go well, his will is accomplished and lives are changed.  People come to know Jesus and long to live a life where they can share Jesus just by living their lives day by day as Jesus would want.  Generations become blessed and in turn bless the generations to come.  All of this because we did something.  We didn't sit by and watch the world happen.  We were involved by the hand of God.  What will you then do?

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