Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Some scary thoughts

     I recently read a quote that said: "Something scarier than going to hell is knowing you are taking your children with you."  Substitute "children" with wife, husband, cousin, parent, aunt/uncle, and the list goes on.  Your best friend whom you have done everything with forever or the cute guy/girl you just met at Starbucks.  If you are a believer then you are going to go to Heaven.  If you are not a believer then you are going to go to hell.  Both are your choice.  Scary thing is that so many people, though they know, will not take this part of life and death seriously.  Why?  Well for beginners it's been a long time since Jesus went back to Heaven and he hasn't returned...yet.  What's it going to be like when he does come back?  Besides the movie about the rapture, what's the world going to be like?  Scary to say the least for the Christian and same old, same old for the non-believer.
     Imagine, if you will, that you have just returned from Saturday evening church and it's Halloween.  You dress up in your outfit of choice and have the kids do the same.  I would imagine you are not dressed as Joseph and Mary with baby Jesus.  The scarier the better!  You go out and there are your fellow parishioners dressed up as well.  You join them and corporately represent the world and not Jesus.  Suddenly you and they are transported to Heaven.  The rapture has occurred.  You stand before Jesus in your outfit with your kids, neighbors and fellow believers.  What did Jesus find you doing? 
     So, there you are in your finest moment and as I have done so often, not representing Jesus as you could have and should have.  How many people have I shown the path to hell rather than the path to Jesus and Heaven by actions and inactions?  I'm ashamed of the many whom I have not been Jesus to.  Many times it was a choice even though I knew better and knew the difference between right or wrong.  How about you?  It's scary to think of those who would and could look at me and say "Why didn't you tell me?" It's scary to think of the time and resources I've wasted on myself and sinful living when that time and resources could have gone to spreading the Gospel and seeing people choose to love Jesus. 
     The Bible says that we are forgiven when we ask for forgiveness from God for our sins.  Whew!  We can do that daily.  What's scary is when we get into the mode of living like hell and then on Sunday asking forgiveness for the week.  Been there and done that too.  What's scary is that God, instead of blessing me so much, could have judged me so severely at the same time.  We take so much of our lives and dedicate them to anything but God.  Whether it be sports, gossip, cheating, denying, or any other list of the things we spend our days and lives on instead of Jesus, we are creating a scary situation where we will be called before the throne of God.  There, in the final judgment, we will have a grand review of all that we have said, done and didn't do over the time of our lives.  Yes, we will be in Christ if we have confessed him as savior.  Yes, we will be forgiven if we are in Christ.  Yes, we will be able to enjoy Heaven if we are in Christ.  The scary part will be when we are watched by those we didn't represent Jesus to during our lives on earth.  The scary part is when they are sent to eternity in hell because they didn't have Jesus as their Savior. 
     Some scary thoughts...who are you when no one is looking?

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