Thursday, January 15, 2015

Today is a new day, help me to not repeat yesterday!

     So many times I have moved through my day merely repeating yesterday's regurgitation of the day before.  Repetition breeds boredom and boredom leads to temptations which in turn lead to sin.  That is not where I want to be.  Nor should you want to be there.  Suffice it to say that we, if we choose, have more than enough before us to not have to be bored.  There is absolutely nothing I can do to change yesterday, it's problems and blessings, and alter how it all turned out.  It's over.  You and I cannot redo the day.  It's gone and so are all he missed chances to serve the Lord.  Like me, I imagine you ask yourself if you did all you could or were expected to do?  There are those around us that would argue pro, con and in between on what we did and did not do.  The real question is whether or not my day reflected Jesus Christ to my world.  Yesterday is gone but our imprint in that day will live on with whatever our lives testify to.  That includes the made versus missed moments.
     Tomorrow holds a lot of unknowns beginning the unknown if we will wake in the morning here on earth or in heaven.  If it's the latter, tomorrow doesn't matter at all anymore.  Tomorrow may have it's foreboding elements but we don't know whether or not they will come about.  In fact, if we are honest about ourselves, we have no way of knowing what tomorrow brings or even the day, week, month or years for that matter.  Yet, most people have day timers, calendars, or a combination of any number of reminders of OUR plans for tomorrow.  I know people who have planned their days out up to 3 years in advance.  My question is "Why?"  Is it because of control issues or fears deep within which came from somewhere?  Much too nebulous for anyone to plan their lives on.  Tomorrow can be a wonderful gift or a burdensome never ending 24 hours.  Both are our choice.  Instead of living in the moment we live in the past with eyes to a future we "hope" will come about.
     My dogs are sleeping at my feet as I write this morning.  They have already been given breakfast and taken their medications.  I've petted and scratched and told them they were good dogs.  For their lives it couldn't get any better.  They can have a horrific day yesterday and yet wake up in the morning with a wagging tail and smile on their faces.  Their today is now.  My wife is not a morning person and yet her day begins in similar fashion.  She has an alarm that wakes her at a preset time in order to get up, get ready and get off to work.  If she leaves the house before a certain time the day is good.  If she is running late, the day has a huge potential of not being good.  My children have gone through the various stages of growth and are maturing.  Yet, they have learned that being safe with yesterday is better than risking today for an unknown tomorrow.  That's what the world teaches so that we can keep our eyes off Jesus.
     Today.  It's all we have.  Our lives can be ended here on earth in the blinking of an eye.  This can be without warning or many months or years in advance.  Our lives can be filled with positive or negative.  Which ever one we support is the one that wins.  We cannot and should not compare today with any other day.  When we do this we limit what God can and would do if we simply gave our "today" to him and left it there.  It may come as a surprise that my life frustrates some people.  I'm either thought of as naive or that I don't care.  I don't believe I am either.  Yet if I spend the day dislodging the thoughts and beliefs of others I am held back from being in "today".  Today is loaded with potential and hope.  Today is stuffed with blessings just waiting to be discovered.  Today is filled with people who look to Jesus in you for their beginning, in between and end of their day.  We have the choice to live in the past, present or the future.  Two make no sense.  Choose the day as a present from God. 

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