Monday, January 5, 2015

The best defense is a good offense.

     I don't know who said that but it's true none the less.  If you are finding your life being lived defensively then you have taken a "one down" position.  That's not good.  If your "good offense" position is over the top; that's not good either.  There is middle ground and I'm sure that we can all guess what and where that is.  For different people this position isn't that visible.  In fact, we spend a lot of our time just glancing over our world and the people in it.  Why?  One reason is that we are tired of so and so and their rhetoric.  For another reason we are beat down and simply want out of the game.  Finally, there are those who are playing their own game and don't care about anyone else.  So, what is the "good offense" and how does this position become better than another position? 
     Some individuals think that football and baseball are all about the quarterback and the pitcher.  There are other individuals who think that the key to a good offense is to be a team player.  The truth is that if we are part of a team in any position and don't have a leader who is offense oriented we are done before we begin.  In an even worse case, if we have a leader who solely is a defensive person the game is done before we begin that one either.  The Indie driver is only as good as the mechanics, designers, and sponsors of the car need to be.  It's a team thing.  Teams can be, though most don't, balanced with defense and offense.  In fact if we are unable to ascertain where our "team" falls we most likely don't have a real team in the first place.
     If there were no issue to be defensive towards; there then is no need for an offense at all.  The two need to be present to work together.  The Bible says that we are to be (as believers) swords sharpening swords.  When was the last time you have felt the unconditional support and love of someone in your church, community group, or even Bible study?  Who will rise to the occasion and be the champion of your cause or need?  Jesus will be.  Okay, but outside of Jesus, who will be a champion for you?  Is it your spouse, parents, kids, friends, pastor, or maybe some other person you trust.  There it is.  The key to balance of defense and offense.  Trust.  Trust is that element that gives validity to you, me and where we stand. 
     For years (40+) I held onto a belief that I had never had to defend or be on the offense about.  I believed that Subaru was produced in Sweden.  Yes, that is absurd.  Even though I had mentioned in talking about the Subaru and Sweden in the same sentence no one bothered to correct me.  A few months ago I mentioned yet again the connection and my 17 year old son commented that the car was not made in Sweden.  I stopped dead in my tracks.  Not wanting to feel stupid I accepted what he said even though I didn't believe it to be true.  When I arrived home I powered up the computer and looked up the information I sought.  Sure enough, the Subaru isn't and never has been a product of Sweden.  So, not being with my son at that moment and needing to share my discovery to someone I shared with my wife.  She said, "You didn't know that?  Everyone knows that." 
     With my ego bruised I got over the moment and realized that truth is good.  However, maintaining "your" or "our" truth doesn't necessarily make that truth true.  Someone with a good offense could easily make their "truth" true when in fact it is not.  This is accomplished by simply having confidence and the right words offensively to sway the opinion of one.  Not two although that would be better and not 20 which would validate your "truth" and give themselves a new truth they could hang their hat on. 
     All of this mental exercise is tiring me.  In the Christian world we are all called to be ready to give account for our faith.  In order for us to do this we need to aggressively read and understand the Bible.  The Bible is the best offense ever!  There is little or no need to take a defensive stance when you have the definitive truth in front of you.  When a conversation moves from opinions to "God says..." the home court advantage comes out loud and clear.  Few seem capable or willing to oppose God and THE truth.  Why is that?  Because God is truth.  In God there is no false doctrine or truth.  So calling in the defense team is a mute point.  There simply is no reason to oppose THE truth.  The Bible says that (John 14:6) Jesus is the way, TRUTH, and life.  What a great offensive stance to have in our pocket!  Now all we need to do is point to Jesus.  He is the best offense!

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