Tuesday, January 6, 2015

As I was saying...

     There seems to be a communication breakdown between God and everything I put in the way.  Do you ever feel that way?  Whether it's our way of keeping ourselves in sin or we are just waiting for an answer from God, the tension grows and consumes our attention.  The old quote "let go and let God" doesn't work when we are busy running our own lives.  So here I am in the comfort of my recliner typing away about the mysteries of life and perhaps have people thinking that this is easy for me to say and do.  Trust me, I have hindered communication with God and people more than I'd like to remember.  There have been many times when while a Christian I have led people into sin rather than out of sin.  Note to self: Stop doing that!
     Another quote of days gone by is: "You can talk about me all you please.  I'll talk about you when I'm on my knees."  Here it is again; communication!  Just what is it about communication that causes us to succeed or fail?  It's certainly not my small brain, small vision or small faith that takes me to any kind of success.  If anything, it's my small brain, small vision and small faith that takes us to a failed plot I have hatched thinking I was doing the will of God.  And so we go on with the cycle that keeps us in sin.  We may have had the best of intentions in what we thought, said or did.  If it wasn't God's intention, then the thoughts, stuff said and stuff did is at a minimum less than God wants for our world.  Of course there are other elements in our success and failures which will be talked about either here today or in days to come.
     Opps!  Almost missed this one!  "The Devil made me do it."  If you are a Christian (bonafide) the Devil cannot make you do anything.  He can throw out the temptation, rationalization and justification to enable us to go astray.  However, we make the choice.  There are groups and individuals that follow this or that belief or theology.  Anyone who adds to or subtracts from the Gospel does so while putting a nail in their coffin.  So, why do the people stray?  What is it that they fear?  The fear of not being able to think, do and say what we want is very powerful and drives us either to the Cross or to those who think, do and say like we want all in the name of their belief system.  You can dress up sin any way you want.  In the end, it is still sin. 
     "Professing themselves wise; they proved themselves to be fools."  You see, we cannot get away from the truth no matter how we address it in our lives.  If we are to desire the Gospel to reach all people we need to abandon our thinking, doing and speaking deferring to God's thoughts, deeds, and works.  Remember that I am, like Paul, "the greatest of all sinners."  "Those things I am not to do; I do and those things I should do, I don't.  Wretched man that I am."  And so, humility comes to the forefront of our thinking, doing, and saying.  Sometimes we should not think, do or say anything.  When we do have that opportunity, we should look instead to what God wants.  He's pretty clear about his wants.  He wants all mankind saved through the payment he made by his Son's death and resurrection.  Once saved by Him, he wants us to remember that point.  It was He who forgave us our sin and continues to give us breath.  Breath given to share Christ with all who He puts in our path.
     Political correctness and tolerance are two of the greatest Christian sins.  Jesus clearly tells us that neither are Christian.  Why?  In James we are told that we don't receive because we ask with false motives.  This was Jesus' half brother!  Giving space for our and others sin is a sin.  Being politically correct is simply a way to say I'm not getting involved.  Giving way to tolerance is what waters down the Gospel making it ineffective.  How are we doing in presenting Christ to the world?  We are either the roadway or the roadblock for or against God.  It's our decision.  It's your decision.  What are you going to do?  What are you going to think?  What are you going to say?

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