Saturday, January 17, 2015

The world is...crazy!

     PTSD can develop just from reading the headlines yesterday and this morning.  Where is sanity hiding while the world goes to hell?  The short answer is that God told us this would happen.  In fact, the Bible says our world has o get worse than it was during the flood for the Lord to come back and bring peace.  So, two questions are begged.  The first is why are we trying to make things better if it has to get worse before we can go to Heaven?  The second one is why aren't we trying to bring others to Christ if we truly believe that his return is imminent?  Not easy questions to wrestle with this Saturday morning.  Not the stuff to be chewed on over eggs and sausage.  Maybe is we add toast with jam.  You see, that's what we do when we are confronted about the state of the world.  We deflect or redirect ourselves and others so we can for yet another day keep our heads in the sand.  In the meantime the planet is out of control.  There are pockets of good and groups of good people.  Well intentioned people anyway.  None of us are good.  It's only God in us that bring about any good.
     What are we to do?  Well, we aren't told to sit on our butts and do nothing.  We aren't told to let someone else do what we have to do because they are more qualified.  We are told to step up to the plate and swing at the pitch.  There will be strike outs and home runs for both you and I.  Will we leave the world a much better place when we leave?  Will there be changed lives because of how you and I lived?  As we enter Heaven will we hear, "Well done thou good and faithful servant."  Or not?  Here is where we either bring sanity or craziness to the world around us.  If we should be so brave to proclaim that we are Christian; will we be so brave to act like it's true?  Well, you know me, the greatest of all sinners.  I have both missed the chance and taken the chance of doing both.  There are those who will always be in opposition to my stance whether that stance goes one way or the other.  For some of the people there is never a "right" answer.  There is nothing I can do about that except to pray for them.  What are we to do?
     The issues we face in our world involve us even if we aren't involved physically.  The very least we can do (and many don't even do this) is pray.  Prayer is powerful and when coupled with faith can bring about changes in people and the world we cannot even imagine.  The neighbor may come over for a cup of sugar but really need a cup of grace.  The pastor preaching a message to his congregation is really needing to hear that Word from the Lord for himself.  The successful businessman in yet another meeting keeping him from being with his family questions if it's really worth it while at the same time knowing he and his committed stance is envied by those who want to be like him.  So, it comes as no surprise that others feel as we do, seek answers as we do, and actually do the best with what they are given.  I'd rather have a 100 people praying for me than one person bringing me food.  The prayers of the saints over the years have maintained the Gospel story.  This dedication has preserved the atoning work of Christ for our salvation.  From what?  From the world that has gone crazy and is in need of a Savior. 
     Don't let the world stop you from going where God is leading you. 

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