Sunday, January 18, 2015

Like it or is what it is.

     Where so many people live their lives in a "reactionary" way, others  choose to engage in life with an "action" orientation.  Which are you?  Do you live your life on defense or offense.  Living life on the defense means at least some imprisonment by those who are living life on the offense.  Offense is living looking forward where defense is living based on the past for the most part.  I realize that there are generalities here and that there are people who don't "fit" in either category.  There are some people who "just go along for the ride."  Maybe that's where you find yourself.  If we fail to have positive stimulation in our lives there is little room for personal or corporate vision.  The Bible tells us that "without a vision the people perish."  That includes living someone else's vision.  If you aren't living your vision or the vision that God has for you, life isn't really happening.  What is happening is someone else's life and you are just along for the ride.
     We make our lives what they are either by doing something or doing nothing.  Both reap results that we have created.  No one else has made the choices for us. Even if we feel forced into this or that; there is always MY choice.  The only way someone can joyride in my life is for me to let them do so.  We don't have to like what is going on in our lives, the lives of those in our lives or even the world that surrounds us.  We don't have to like what people think, say and feel.  They will do whatever they want regardless of our "liking" or not.  Taking a stand where we take control over the life we have been given is both powerful and threatening.  Contrary to what we are told, people around us don't want us to change.  They don't want us to be "more than them" in any context of the phrase.  People, despite their relationship with us still like it or not because it is what it is.
     What do we do about our choices and the world we choose to be a part of?  We need to grow up.  We need to be critical thinkers who can evaluate a situation, envision a solution and bring about positive changes in our world.  Living in the past won't allow this to happen.  Thus, living a reactionary life won't work either.  All that they will do is keep us repeating what we have repeated in the past.  Defense is one down from winning.  There is the old saying, "the best defense is a good offense."  It's true in all areas of life.  One catch comes up though.  The offense we set in place and in motion must be the plan that God has written on our hearts.  If it's not God's plan, it is less than what the plan could have been.  I've spent many years researching in my personal life ways to go through life without God being in control.  From those years of research I've found that life would have been better if I had let God direct my life.
     So, as I go through today (because that's all I have) I will try to once again put myself aside in order for God to take his rightful place in my life.  The reward for doing so is I will be blessed and those around me will be blessed.  There is no down side when I have a heart, mind and soul for God and what he wants.  We don't have to like it and it doesn't have to be what it is.  Challenge your life and thinking today.

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