Friday, September 19, 2014

It's one of those days...moving day!

     There are not enough words to tell you how much I dislike (even hate) moving.  While it's nice to begin a new chapter of my life, it's also the hardest transition that has taken place in my life for quite a while.  AND where did all this stuff come from?  Why is it in my house?  I am so shocked with all the "stuff" we have.  Way more than we need for sure.  That's why the moving won't stop.  When we unpack I'll be setting aside much to donate.  Just as well be another place where the items can be used.  Back to the quandary. I've moved many times in my adult life.  What is a few more moves?
    My first move was in the middle of third grade.  We left a one room school that housed 8 grades.  I had two girls in my class.  Yes, this is the truth.  We walked a quarter of a mile to the old country school house.  Our teacher taught all 8 grades.  We left that world and entered the world of public school.  In the middle of the school year...did I mention that.  The next time I would move would be when I left for college.  That didn't catch my desires and I moved on to time in the US Army.  From there I've lived in quite a few places; each one building on the book of life that is still being written.  Some would say my life has been anything but normal.  I would agree.
     If I ever see a box again, it will be too soon.  There are so many!  It would be very easy to let all of this overwhelm me.  Then I would have an excuse for my aching body.  I am so sore!  There are muscles hurting that I didn't know I even had.  They will heal and I'll have more than enough exercise that the doctor wants me to have.  Just the worlds evolution over the years have changed our lives in ways we never thought possible.  The fact that I'm writing this and in moments the post will be out in the public wherever God takes it is incredible.  Modern innovations continue to baffle me.
     Focus has a lot to do with a move made in a good manner.  It's different for different situations.  Making a change in my life to have better exercise has increased.  Taking in the fast food to get us through the moves has taken me a step back.  My mental focus is also affected.  We tend to "do the job" and just get it done. However, there are many emotional ties being broken, goodbyes said to neighbors and that wonderful view of the water when we came down our street to home.  Home is changing as well.  We are focusing on making the house we bought our home.  It's a good thing.  Both focus and carry through are not enough to make up for the tired aching muscles.
     Lastly, this comes into the light of grace.  I've already apologized for breaking stuff.  I haven't broken anything but I thought I would cover bases ahead of time.  Anyone who wants to be angry at me are now quieted with my apology.  That doesn't mean I won't break something.  Probably the one thing important in someone else's life.  I need to remember to exercise grace to myself as well as those around me.  Even those in the background deserve grace especially today.  Okay, probably tomorrow and the next day as well.  Might just as well give grace all year round.  That's what Jesus is doing and has done for me.  Have a great day!

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