Saturday, June 21, 2014

When Pigs Fly

     In our minds we are able to visualize many different things that come up in our daily lives.  We can see pigs flying and buffalo's having wings.  The only difference is that one tastes better than the other.  No, wait, that's not what this post is about.  It has been said that we can make happen anything we can visualize.  There is something in that process that makes fantasy reality.  And so we enter the world of magical thinking. 
     Magical thinking has been the downfall of so many individual ideas, movements, and rebellions.  The "thinker" for any one of a number of reasons has failed to bring to fruition their vision.  Like so many of the examples of life there are hurdles and pitfalls that come into play and block forward movement.  I believe that the bigger the imagined item, the greater the obstacles the world and people put in the way.  This applies to all areas of our lives and all people involved in our lives.
     I grew up in a town of magical thinkers (all 300 of them).  They thought that I was bound for failure based on magical thinking.  So, I answered their label as "lawless" and became a police officer.  I answered their label as an "atheist" and became first a missionary and then a pastor.  I answered their label as "unmoral and unethical" by becoming a social worker and caring for others needs.  When they labeled me unable to meet any academic standard I picked up two masters degrees and wrote 3 books.  Here is the key point for us to consider:  I did all of this without the intention of addressing any of their negative thinking.  I just lived my life, made mistakes and lived as well as I could continually moving forward.  Their magical thinking was not for me but was to help them focus on someone, anyone, who was worse off then they.
     Like I said, "When pigs fly."
     When I first became Christian I embraced Christ with all of my heart.  People were intent on beating that kind of Christianity out of me so that I could mesh with the rest of Christian society.  Praying for healing for others because I believed God would do the healing was for the early church.  It couldn't be for now.  Praying for insight and understanding was out and common sense was in.  Anybody who is anybody knows that!  Even though I gave up ground in my advocating God to those around me, I never let that take away my basic belief in Jesus.  It's true that sometimes I didn't act Christian at all.  No arguments here.   It's also true that I acted like a Christian more often than not. 
     What modern Christianity has arrived at is an "When pigs fly." mentality.  Belief has shifted from what God can and will do to what can we afford, how can we not offend, and whatever happened to all our church members?  While there are the faithful, there are twice as many who have abandoned their first love.  How do I know?  Because I was one of them.  My choices took me where even I couldn't recognize the "Christianity" I was living.  Probably because it wasn't there.  However, there is a back door.
     Here it is.  It's so simple that it doesn't make sense to millions on our planet.  It's so revolutionary that people exclaim "That's unheard of!"  People stare at those who think this way AND live this way.  There are exclamations of: "When pigs fly!" when it's suggested that they too can have the freedom that comes with this radical idea.  I've often used the acronym KISS:  keep it simple stupid to reground myself.  Simple is and has always been the ultimate flying pig.  There are no complex plans, no need for committee or any need for money to fuel the project.  None of that. 
     Turn around.
     That's a flying pig to many people.  What do you mean, you ask, this must be too complex.  This must involve great sacrifice.  This must mean a change for everyone who don't agree with this change.  This must not be offensive to others lest we be seen as a people who stand for something.  Why is this so difficult to get our heads around?  Must everything be passed through the minds of mindless men and women for their approval first? 
     Turn around.
     There are consequences of turning around.  First, you will be at peace with God.  Not a bad starting place.  Second, others may see what you have done and follow the same example.  That's not so bad either.  Third, needs around you will be met by God.  Not so bad either.  What's the negative that comes from this radical notion?  There are none for you.  There are lots for those around you.  You decide whether they get to you or not.  It's so simple that it defies understanding for so many.
     Turn around.
     Take the step to recommit to Christ and his simple ways.  Love God and love others even if they don't want you to.  That may mean your spouse or your worst enemy.  If they are the same, love them anyway.  If you can't use your love for them, try using Christ's love.  Whenever all fails, leave it at the foot of the cross and walk away.  Turn around.

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