Wednesday, June 18, 2014

My dogs are funny!

     I mean that in the good sense for most of the time.  I'd like to think my dogs are better than other people's dogs.  However, that's not true.  My dogs are funny though!  Sometimes they surprise me.  For instance, when I give them a treat I have them sit and when they are both sitting I give them their treat at the same time.  Granted they almost take my hand off!  They then go about their business as if I didn't exist and hadn't just given them a treat.  About a week ago I was eating almonds.  They took note of this and assumed the begging position.  They are relentless in their begging until either I give in or they get what they want.
     I have never given the dogs nuts before.  So, I thought, what could it harm them to have an almond.  They CHEWED the nut!  They didn't wolf it down.  They actually chewed the nut!!!  I've seen them swallow without chewing a piece of meat half the size of my hand.  Here we were going through the process and they amazed me by chewing the almond.  Just ONE almond much less.  Thinking that this must be a fluke, I waited until they were done and then offered them another nut. 
     Normally I have to be very quick in removing my hand so that it doesn't get taken off with their launch to get the treat.  Not with the almond!  No, they gingerly take it from my two fingers and then CHEW the nut.  What is going on?  I've never seen any other dog exhibit this behavior either.  I even called in my wife and showed her.  She too was amazed.  We still, obviously, gotten over it.  The dogs have had several servings of a single nut over the past few weeks and still gingerly take the nut and chew it.
     Humans aren't that different from our dogs.  We anxiously grab that which we can quickly consume and then make some things last for hours or even days.  That is part of the reason why we are the way we are.  I can remember being told to make my candy last for the week I spent at my Grandma's house during the summer.  You might have just as well tore open the candy and stuffed it all in my mouth at the same time.  I have not seen (though I have heard they do exist) any child parcel out their candy to last a few minutes much less for a week.
     Even today give me a bag of red licorice and you might just as well write "comatose" on my forehead and sit me in the corner.  How about you?  Any different reaction?  There are all kinds of "things" we say we love but actually lust about.  A Snickers bar is in danger if I have the money on me to buy it.  The same goes for certain appetizers.  We also have that attitude towards other things as well.  Don't let me loose in a office supplies store!  I'm also dangerous at a nursery picking out things to plant.  Our landscape reflects my penchant for plants! 
     My dogs get excited whenever anyone comes to the door.  Included in this are my wife and I when we return home.  It seems to be a part of their instinct or a really fun thing to do.  Going for a ride in the car is even more precious.  It doesn't take much for my dogs to get excited.  It's no different for humans.  There are different activities that we get excited for.  We even call in our friends and relatives for some of them.  Add some food and drink and everyone forgets their "to do" list.
     So, why don't we act the same way with our relationship with God?  Why aren't we eagerly begging for snacks from God?  Is there a reason why God isn't invited to the Superbowl party?  What would happen if we expressed our excitement about God at the grocery store like we do the World Series?  Perhaps people would think we are crazy.  I admit that to do so is outside of the norm.  But then so is my dogs chewing of almonds.  Don't be creatures of habits.  Open your heart, ears and eyes to the relationship you have with God and where it's lacking.  You might be surprised at how good the fellowship can be.  Oh, and people might think you are funny!  So what!

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