Monday, June 23, 2014

I thought it would be easy!

     "Easy" should be stricken from the dictionary.  At least in my case.  Most of my life has been lived out with "difficult" or "what happened?" as the predominate theme.  There have been times when there has also been the positive.  We often don't reflect on the positive.  That would ruin a perfectly good funk and we can't have that!
     My first mistake in any given day is thinking.  Not always a good thing.  I once went to pick up 4 maple trees with my Ford Explorer.  When I arrived each were in a 2 foot square box and they were about 20 feet tall.  So, with the help of my son, I laid down the rear seat and proceeded to put all four in the back of the Explorer.  With the nose pointed up and 20 feet of tree hanging out the rear I travelled about 10 miles to the location where I was to plant them.  What a sight!  Everyone thought I was crazy.  Okay, maybe I was a little crazy.  The theme in my life is "whatever it takes".  That's not always a good thing and is often is not easy.
     Thinking doesn't always just pertain to me.  Often I have companions in my folly.  I went to pick up some free new lumber from a construction site in downtown Seattle.  My wife went along.  That was the first mistake.  The second was filling the Expedition I was driving with enough lumber to make a small house.  The construction site people kept shaking their heads and laughing as 24 foot long pieces of lumber went in and stuck out of the Expedition.  My wife, bless her soul, didn't feel safe so she moved to the back seat!  So with the nose pointed up and the rear almost to the ground I drove the back streets home.  She hasn't gone with me since!
     I've created an ongoing litany of events in my life that have most people laughing.  Some were fearful but later laughed.  I grew up with some principles that have taken me to this point.  The first principle is believing that I can do anything that comes my way.  I wasn't even a Christian at the time!  The second principle is that of cunning determination.  With my mind I imagine what accomplishing something looks like and then my face is set to accomplish that which I put my mind to. 
     On more than one occasion I have turned something easy into difficult and vice-versa.  One element in my life that has continued to aid me in my conquering life is that of determination.  People over the years have told me:  "You can't do that." or "That's impossible." in order to help me adjust to their reality.  I may not do it perfectly, as intended or with little effort.  But, I have done it (whatever "it" is).  Lots of negativity have been thrown my way.  The fact that this happens is evidence to me that often I am on the right track.  Being not easily dissuaded is a good thing to a point.  Giving up easily is not a good thing either. 
     Yesterday I was challenged.  Tomorrow I will be challenged.  Today I will also be challenged.  I won't base my actions and reactions on yesterday or tomorrow.  Each day is made new and we are told that we are to take life one day at a time.  God said that our focus should be on now.  Not yesterday as we can do nothing to change it.  Not tomorrow because the troubles of today are sufficient.  God wants us to stay present in the present and rely on him.  If I look at yesterday and tomorrow in everything I do today life gets difficult.  Looking at today through God's eyes makes life easy even when it seems like it's not. 
     Just for today I will try to keep life simple and easy.  That gives me time for another cup of coffee.  Maybe even a couple.  Take it easy and have a blessed day.

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