Wednesday, August 23, 2017

It's probably been to long.

     Due to hand surgery I wasn't able to type my own blog for some time.  I'm now back and able to do so.  God is healing my hand and I am thankful.  My life has been full of good, bad and everything between the last month or so.  My sister Charlotte and her husband Larry are going through his upcoming death from cancer.  I went to North Dakota to help out for 2 weeks.  I know that the grief process is difficult when encountering death or even just the process of dying.  I've had to stop my building project ( my long dreamed for shop ).  That too will happen when it's supposed to.  The crops from the garden, greenhouse and orchard are being harvested.  The demands of life seem to be at an all-time high.  I don't feel stressed though as I know that God is orchestrating life for me and for those around me.  Without his guidance this world would be really crazy!  The world is going from bad to worse with conflict, wars and rumors of wars.  Just like it was prophesied.  The United States seems to have swung towards another civil war type situation.  Korea is still looming as a formidable enemy.  BUT, God is in control. 
     Living my life in this world seems to be all I'm able to do.  I may as well do it the way God wants me to.  That means that my beliefs come in conflict with all that is anti-God.  I don't fare well with my living in a very liberal and offensive part of the country.  Perhaps you have encountered this as well.  I'd rather stand with Jesus than to lay down and deny him who saved my soul.  Should people judge me because of the Biblical standards that I uphold, so be it.  We will all stand before the only judge of the universe and it's him that will put all things right one day.  Until then, I'll still stand for what I believe.  You should too.  I've been on my quest of reading through the Bible (5th or 6th time) and am in the middle of Luke.  Being in the Word daily reminds me of the Gospel story and my part in proclaiming that story.  It's not a fear thing for me.  The worst that anyone can do to me is to kill me.  That's not so bad because I'll be with Jesus in an instant.  Remember that God is in control!
     While it seems like the world is crashing down around us, let us remember that's what it's supposed to do!  It may be difficult to conceptualize but we should be aware of the connections laid out in the Bible that tell us that the world needs to get worse than the days of Noah before he will come back.  The harvest is ready and the workers are few. People around us who claim to be Christian are doing nothing to bring the Word to the lost.  The orphans and widows go on with no one to care for them.  Entitlements so overwhelm the lives of human beings that all the focus is on what we can get rather than what we can give.  We are all part of prophecy being fulfilled whether we are engaged with God or with the world.  Remember it's always your choice.
     Thanks for your patience while I was recovering.

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