Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Sometimes Christians fight the truth

     Taking a walk on my property really set home the realization that fall is upon us no matter what still needs to be done.  With the trees giving up their last fruit, the garden beginning to do the same and the squirrels having harvested the nuts before they even fell from the tree; I know that the signs are there!  Maybe the seasons aren't so pronounced where you live.  Maybe they are more advanced than in my region of Washington.  Regardless, the seasons come and go with a regular cycle.  The same goes for life.  My youngest of 7 is almost 17 while my oldest has passed the 40 mark.  They are all grown whereas yesterday they were cute giggling babies!  There are 5 grandchildren.  Four of which are almost through high school (one is).  Time has marched on without my choice just like the seasons.  You can really mark your calendar with the summer time tradition of road work!  Everywhere you go there are flaggers just waiting to stop you!  They will soon be gone having completed their project of interfering with our lives.  They too are a seasonal change that we can mark the year by. 
     Wouldn't it be nice to have the power to freeze life in the time you enjoyed the best?  Maybe do the same with our age and the age of our children?  That's not going to happen but many a parent enjoys that season when the kids go back to school.  Without paying attention to the years we find ourselves with an empty house one day and wonder what happened.  Then suddenly I am 64 and that just doesn't feel right at all!  I still feel like I'm in my mid to late 30's.  Of course my body doesn't feel that way so I know it's only in my head.  Time cannot be paused...or can it?  Time is both our friend and enemy.  We fight it while we are here on earth but will rejoice in "no time" in eternity!  Odd how that works.  Solomon's famous writing on time has proved to be right on so many fronts.  There is a season for everything under the sun in the world.  There is a season for everything under the Son if you are not of the world.  The first has limits where the second has none.  The first marks our progress while the second celebrates our life in Christ.  It's not a big stretch of the truth to say that those who call upon Jesus and are saved never age from that point on.  Why?  Because life eternal begins when we invite Jesus to take over.
     Like many of you, I'm not ready for fall much less the other seasons as well.  In Washington we have rainy season and sunny season.  The former is the longest by far.  The latter is to short!  The same goes for our lives.  We aren't necessarily ready to move from one season to the next.  In the Christian's life there is no seasonal movement.  You were dead and now you are alive for eternity.  That's it.  Nothing complicated.  You surrender your life to Jesus and let go of the world.  Maybe that's why Jesus spends so much time talking about the only time we have...the present.  Yesterday is gone and tomorrow has already been completed.  We are to live for Jesus for today.  If you, like me, have times when you've complicated that equation, there is good news for you!  It's always your choice!

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