Thursday, August 3, 2017

Christian allergies

     Sometimes we look at our world and say to ourselves how unfair it is to us.  We look at God's creation and begin sneezing.  We eat something God has created and a rash breaks out telling us that we shouldn't eat strawberries or whatever.  I have allergies.  Cats and dogs mainly but also some grasses, shrubs and trees.  The test also showed I'm allergic to cockroaches.  Thank God!  Problems seem to overwhelm me with the coming and going of the seasons or the presence of dogs and cats.  I have two dogs.  One thinks she is a cat.  She sleeps on my bed.  Okay, not the wisest choice but it's what it is.  I'll put up with the allergies rather than get rid of my dogs.  I love to work in the yard and to enjoy God's creation.  Unfortunately I find myself plugged up and sometimes hard to breathe while engaging his creation.  Then I turn to my personal life and wonder why I'm not allergic to chocolate or bacon as well as other foods I feed myself.  Between all of this I take allergy shots to help me deal with all of these items.  Regardless, I'm still going to pet the dogs, pull the weeds, and mow the lawns.  Despite my allergies there are some things I won't sacrifice.
     Why didn't God create me allergic to sin?  Why didn't God create in me an allergy to keep me away from those who aren't good for me?  Why is it that I'm allergic to cockroaches but not to the free choice that enslaves me (by my choice)?  The Christian world isn't immune from the allergies that plague our lives.  We'd love to have a self contained world where those allergies were deemed powerless.  Wait!  There is a place!  It's called heaven.  In the meantime we still need to take our "shots" by reading the Word, praying, and being accountable for our faith.  Without these "shots", we would be in much worse condition than we are.  I've tried many different allergy medications that all said they would get rid of or minimize my symptoms.  None have worked as advertised.  The world has told us that we can have many different ways to treat our spiritual allergies.  Different religions, different traditions, different churches, different messages and many more "different" solutions that seem to stubbornly hang around.  God has one Shot for us...Jesus!  Now can we get any answer more simple and complete?  Yet, we, like Solomon, try everything in the world before realizing that the things of the world are meaningless in comparison to a relationship with God.
     Sometimes I hear people calling me a fanatic.  Sometimes they are even less complimentary.  Why isn't what they think, say and do taking care of their spiritual allergies?  When I became educated about my allergies and the medical means to nullify them, I rejoiced and gladly go for my shots regularly.  With the allergies addressed I can turn my attention to other things in my life.  The same goes for my spiritual life.  When I come to Jesus and am cleansed by his blood my allergies are subdued and I can go about his business.  No longer distracted by allergies the Christian is able to go about the business of God.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not perfect and haven't been able to surrender all of my allergies to God's grace.  Neither have you.  What I know is that there is no other treatment for our sin than to have a good shot of Jesus all day every day.  Maybe we need to take the time today to let the Holy Spirit show us what "allergies" (aka sins) are hindering our walk with Jesus.  When we do, we also need to do something.  Not just anything but what God wants for our best.  Remember that it's always your choice.

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