Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Why I don't like Adam and Eve

    It was about 4 PM yesterday when my phone rang.  My 19 year old son called to let me know that the biopsies came back on the growths on his thyroid as cancer.  We talked for a bit.  He was, and rightfully so, emotionally distressed.  He had others he needed to call so our call was short.  After getting off the phone and coming home, I went to the internet and began reading.  I must add that this was all discovered because he went into the doctor for a sinus infection.  Good doctor!  What I learned was both heartening and disheartening.  Here is where Adam and Eve come in.  There are two primary means by which people get thyroid cancer.  The first is over exposure to xrays/radiation at a young age.  The second is through DNA.  He inherited the cancer from my gene pool.  I've had many blood relatives who have had cancer and some have died from the cancer while others are doing okay after treatment.  There are 4 types of thyroid cancer.  None are good.  The most common has a great treatment and recovery rate.  For this I am humbled and happy.  The medical sciences in treating cancer have come a long way and there is a good prognosis from that realm.  Then of course, and should have been mentioned first, there is God who can heal by any number of means from the miraculous to taking you home to be with him.  I prefer the former to the latter.
     So that's why I don't like Adam and Eve.  They set in motion the reality that everyone is born dead in sin.  Everyone.  They didn't bother to think of their relationship with God, their relationship with each other or their passing this sin onto the rest of mankind.  This cancer, sin, is pervasive and is only treatable by the cleansing blood of Jesus.  There is no such treatment for the deviations in our DNA.  None.  You and I aren't able to have our DNA switched or erased with new DNA put into it's place.  That doesn't happen.  Ignoring DNA is the same as ignoring God's warning of our being dead in sin.  There are steps we can take to deal with both the sin and DNA.  The DNA can be checked for signs or markers for disease and such.  Once we know what our DNA holds, we can take measures to deal with what is there.  It doesn't mean we can take those markers out of our DNA.  Then there is sin.  Sin is the cancer that has kept many people dead in sin or incapacitated to the point where they live a life of sin and just accept that that is all there is.  This is actually perpetuated by Christians as well as the world.  Here is the difference between the two.  We have means to deal with the cancer.  We have means to deal with the sin.  For the cancer there are medical professionals and medical procedures and medications that can eradicate the cancer.  Likewise, we have Jesus who can eradicate the sin when we come to him, acknowledge that sin, ask for forgiveness and repent. 
     The biggest question that remains for cancer and sin is the residual part left in our lives.  We may have the cancer eradicated but we never can eradicate that experience, emotional upheaval and will be constantly looking for signs of relapse.  It's the same with sin.  We may become alive through the forgiveness of Jesus and have spiritual healing from sin.  However, we live with our biggest enemy daily.  That would be our free will.  After cancer treatment people have a chance to change things in their lives to give them the best lives possible.  After the forgiveness of sin, it's the same story.  We can and do think about relapse from both.  If we didn't there wouldn't be any sinning Christians looking for selfish fulfilment.  Finally, there is the greatest of tools that we have for both situations.  I wish that Adam and Eve had used it!  That would be prayer.  There is no greater power than the power of a loving God who knows our needs and answers our prayers.  All we have to do is choose.  It's always your choice.

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