Sunday, January 29, 2017

A time for everything

     There is a time for everything.  We don't like that so we take it upon ourselves to make things happen out of season.  We are an impatient lot and think this is fine.  The possibility of negative results arises each time we do this.  Back to my gardening.  Should I prune the orchard to early or to late I risk losing my crop of fruit.  There is a time for pruning.  When I planted my greenhouse I was confident that the seeds would be safe from harm and produce.  The next morning was 28 degrees reinforcing my decision to delay any planting outside of the greenhouse.  There is a time for planting and it's controlled by nature.  When I plant my yard with plants the perennials are dormant under ground for the winter.  The plants begin to come alive in the spring but the dahlia's won't  come up until mid to late summer.  There is a time for blooming.  My daffodils come up before the tulips and this is repeated every year like clockwork.  There seems to be no way I can hurry the season and time for everything.  So why do I do so?  Why do I try to hinder the season coming?  Embracing a time for everything according to God's plan is almost always disastrous.  Christians seem to try to change the time for everything in spiritual ways as well.  There are the doomsayers who have this intense energy that results in the prophecy of the world ending tomorrow.  There are also those who do everything they can to keep the end from coming.  Both actions are for naught.
     For the Christian there is a time for everything.  However, it's not up to the Christian to determine that time.  Paul exhorts the Christian to be ready in and out of season to provide an account of why you believe.  Christ tells us to not worry about tomorrow nor concentrate on the past.  Why?  Because we can do nothing about either.  Christians are admonished to be "present" and ready to do the work before them today, this moment, and nothing more.  Many Christians have scheduled things in their calendars two and three years out.  Do they every read the obituaries?  We aren't guaranteed a tomorrow.  We are only guaranteed this moment, today, now.  There is a time for everything.  The Bible explains there is NO time for worry, distraction, and apathy.  None.  The Bible also tells that professing ourselves to be wise we prove that we are fools.  Making decisions, plans and such for the future robs the present of it's possibilities.  There is a time for everything for the Christian in all aspects of their lives.  That time is now.
     Giving up yesterday and tomorrow is a difficult thing to do when you are still in charge of your life.  Recognizing what you can and can't do is beneficial in freeing up our lives for Christ to make a difference both in our lives and the lives of others.  Life is about pouring out oneself for the glory of  Not yesterday and certainly not tomorrow because neither one exists.  We have today and there is a time for everything today.  Think about what captivates your life and why?  Do you make plans for the evening or weekend after work?  By doing so the inner focus whether or not you recognize it is to escape the NOW moment whether that be at work, home or in the community.  Christianity is a very.  It's action is seen in those who seek the Lord's will and then do it.  As much as I would like to, I can't change the last minute or the future moment of my life.  Neither can you.  We have a time for everything and it's now.  Doing life on Christ's mandate of service is a now time and a now action which results in well done thou good and faithful servant.  What's your choice?  It's always your choice.

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