Friday, January 13, 2017

Messages we ignore

     My dog sat there staring at me with this look that said, "Well, the ball isn't going to throw itself!"  He was right.  Water dish empty?  Same stare different message.  Wants a treat?  Same stare different message.  It's amazing how our pets condition us to take care of their wants and needs.  No all are good pet owners (actually they own us) and some are abusive.  However, my dogs have an advocate in me.  They believe they will be taken care of, played with and included in most every aspect of my life.  And I do.  Well, they aren't able to do it for themselves!  When a slipper appears in the family room after it was left in the bedroom I know the message.  You are ignoring me.  Have an accident inside while I'm gone?  Their anger at being left behind is...well, left behind.  We see and acknowledge these message.  Sometimes we even laugh about the behavior.  Cats are much more subtle and worse than dogs in my opinion.  However, all animals have messages for us to include us in their world.  What does all this have to do on a Christian blog?  Everything!
     Driving down a street in the rain one day I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to look to the right.  There was this fellow walking in the rain obviously soaked and homeless.  I heard the Holy Spirit tell me to give him my hat.  What!?  It was my favorite hat!  So I passed him up but not before the Holy Spirit became the Hound of Heaven.  So I went around the block, stopped beside him and rolled down my window.  He was curious as I called him over.  I told him that God told me to give him my hat and handed it to him.  He was delighted and put it on.  After a nodded thank you he and I went on our ways.  Even though I had done right eventually, I hadn't been "instant in season and out" with my Christian obedience to God.  I had not ignored, I had disobeyed.  Out of my many blessings God asked me to give one item away and I had failed.  Yes, I had returned and handed over the hat.  No I hadn't done that when told to do so.  I had disobeyed God.  I've been on that same street many times.  I have never seen the man before or after.  Was he an angel of the Lord?  I don't know. 
     I live in a city that has lots of homeless men, women and children.  You may as well.  I live in a city where there are more unbelievers than believers.  You may as well.  I go to a church that has many blessed and talented people.  You may as well.  They may even have many missions that care for the homeless, the widow and the orphan.  Mine does.  What concerns me is the REASON why we do what we do and don't do what we don't do.  What would happen if we were fully God's servants to this world?  What would happen if we truly believed all that we are and all that we have are God's and available for His use?  What would happen?  Drive down any street (I do on my way to church) and you and I are confronted with that person at the stop sign, sign in hand, asking for money, food, gas or even booze.  What do we do?  If we do anything but what God desires we are the judge and jury of condemnation of that person.  That goes with anything in our lives.  What messages do we ignore?  What messages do you ignore?  It's always your choice.

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