Sunday, January 1, 2017

It's NOT just another day!

     Woke up this morning to a covering of snow on the ground and below freezing temperatures.  The sky is clear and the air is crisp.  The only things moving are my chickens who apparently don't care if it's cold or not and my fingers on the keyboard.  My dog is asleep on the recliner between my legs and covered by one of her favorite blankets.  I've had my first cup of coffee, read the Bible and did my daily journal.  So far it's a perfect day.  However, it's not just another day.  It's today and there has never been this day and isn't a repeat of anything.  This day is special because God allowed me to wake up to be part of his creation and to worship Him.  The day will unfold how He wants and not how I make it.  God has destined this day to greatness for his sake and intends to use me to accomplish that goal.  It's no just another day.  This day will make the difference not only in my life but in the lives of those I come into contact with.  The contact with family, friends and other Christians will be a remembrance to us all because God ordained this day from the foundation of the earth.  Glad I had the coffee! 
     Sometimes we need to stop and smell the roses and other times we need to ignore the roses so that we can see God's day unfold.  Roses, like everything else in the world, can serve to be a distraction from the real goal of pleasing Jesus.  I'll be the first to tell you that God does have us stop and smell the roses from time to time.  However, God doesn't want us to stay stopped.  Paul says that He calls us to be instant in our witness in season and out of season.  Base life line is to always be ready to move when God says move, say something when God says we should say something and to do what God directs us to do.  There is no room in my day to be self centered if I am serving Jesus.  There was nothing self centered about Jesus even to the point of giving up his life so we could have life.  Can you remember that moment when you said goodbye to your life and took up His cross?  There has never been nor will there be any great moment like it.  We will pass from here to Heaven when it's His time for us to go home and not a moment before.  Living a selfless life seems pretty odd in this world of self centeredness.  Yet, we know this is not just another day.
     I have a small spiral notebook with a list of projects and tasks that I need to be responsible for.  The list isn't meant to be an anchor or an excuse.  The list doesn't hold me back from moving when I'm told to move.  Nor does it rule my life.  The list exists because there are tasks that need to be done.  It's important that I have a list because I'd forget most of the things on the list as my head isn't in the world much.  So the list sits there as it has for many years with items crossed off in His good time.  The list has projects and dreams that are part my want and part His need.  When he shows me his need the want on my part is set aside.  Lists of things to do doesn't really matter.  Doing something for Jesus does matter.  It's true that there are some things that I can no longer do.  I'm sad about that but disabilities are just that.  There are no disabilities for the Christian doing what God wants.  He knows our abilities, limitations and whether we want to live for Him or ourselves.  I know that the Bible is true and there are only two commands on His list.  We are to love God and love others.  That's it.  Nothing more and nothing less.  It's your choice.  What will you choose?

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