Sunday, January 8, 2017

Have you considered NOT thinking?

     Einstein proclaimed that education is not about learning but rather about gaining the ability to critically think (my paraphrase).  Yet, we live in a world where critical thinking is missing in so many ways with so many people.  Years ago there was a book written that proclaimed out "education system" was systematically "dumbing down America."  God said, "Professing themselves to be wise they proved themselves to be fools."  I was walking down the aisle to pick up my diploma for my second masters when it dawned on me that my motive for obtaining the degree was fraught with personal motives that served no purpose whatsoever.  Perhaps you've been in the same place and done the same thing.  As a civilization we are told that college is THE thing needed in life to succeed and yet some of the greatest successes are those who didn't even graduate high school.  Prior to our schooling system and rankings of level of education someone discovered how to make fire, create eating instruments and many of the other luxuries we take for granted today.  Mankind has evolved to where we know can operate our lives from our cell phones.  Worse yet, we can wear cell phone watches or have programs in our eyeglasses that do this for us.  You get the point.  Maybe our learning has only put us in a place where we no longer critically think.
     If mankind put the intensity they invest into gadgets into things of God, what would happen?  Why is it that survival of a bird, worm or gopher trumps saving the soul of mankind?  They have an association here in Washington which propagates the recovery of the dandelion!  Really?  What has happened to our priorities?  Here is a thought.  Perhaps we have acquired the priority of the world and abandoned the priority of God.  Where has there been a program equipping the saints for the sole purpose of preserving the lives of the lost?  Yet, we have college programs that address everything from master in graffiti to master in modern basket weaving.  We don't see a program in our schools that teach Life 101.  Maybe we should.  Reality TV shows are mostly about anything but reality.  Serving what tickles the fancy isn't helping us either.  I've heard recently that All My Children is going off the air!  Gads!  What next?  Our society is more adept at teaching all the means of being selfish then they are at personal responsibility and success.  With the world focused on what others owe them, there can be little focus on what we owe God in return for the life saving grace he has given us.  Have you considered not thinking?
     KISS (keep it simple stupid) is so appropriate for the Christian.  Forsaking even life for the saving grace of Christ is not only appropriate but essential for the calling of being a Christian.  There isn't much to think about.  We were dead in sin and lost for eternity without a savior.  God sent Jesus who lived, died, and was resurrected so he could take our place and guilt.  Through Him we die to self and live eternally with Him at the throne of our life.  When our physical bodies die we move next door to live with Jesus.  Now isn't that simple?  God wants our eyes focused on Him and NOTHING MORE!  Should we decide to not think outside of this equation all our needs and most of our wants will be provided.  Should we decide to not think outside of this equation we won't be preoccupied with the cares and worries of the world.  Should we decide to not think outside of this equation we won't have any other choice but live in the love of God.  Should we decide t live in the love of God there is nothing to think about because all we can do is give the love away just as we received that love.  Don't think.  Live.  It's your choice...always!

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