Thursday, September 15, 2016

When you are done thinking...

     You still have to make a decision.  That decision is put off most often by your and my thinking.  We don't need to think.  What?!  Yes, we don't need to think.  The Christian only needs to make sure they are loving God in every thought, deed and word in order to live a wholesome and blessed life.  Whenever I think, I find myself putting things in MY perspective instead of God's perspective.  My mind only operates in finite ways while God's mind works in infinite ways.  While my mind is functioning in the hear and now with limited past to reflective off of and no idea what the future has, God's mind is all encompassing and he knows everything!  So, why think?  We obviously will only be thinking in a manner that denies us the full blessings of God.  James 4:17 says that "if we know what is right to do and don't do it, we sin."  Pretty simple and doesn't take any thinking.  We know, as Christians, in our hearts what is right.  We may pretend we don't in order to justify and rationalize not having God in the center of ALL of our life; but pretending isn't reality.  Reality is my thinking is not as good as God's thinking.
     I was chastised one day for sprinkling the flowers with my soaker nozzle.  The party involved was first an observer and secondly was not doing the watering.  They told me that spraying water on the flowers will make the flowers drop off.  Why didn't I think of that!  Because it's stupid when you think about it.  Think about it from God's perspective and you would immediately know that when it rains (no matter how hard) that the flowers don't lose their petals.  Watered down thinking is detrimental to our belief in a God who cares for the birds of the air, flowers of the fields and yes, you and I.  He knows the number of hairs on our heads (even the bald ones as fuzz counts).  We've often heard the phrase, "It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know..."  Well, it doesn't because God knows everything.  Why bother thinking when we can rely on that which is already stated.  I've plenty of experience  thinking and having things not turn out the way I thought they should or would.  Why?  Because I was thinking instead of leaning on the wisdom of God.  Maybe you have done the same.  Jesus tells us to "take no thought of tomorrow as it has enough troubles of it's own."  That relieves me of thinking of the future.  God's got my back, front and side.  He's under me, above me and all around me. 
     There is the story of the monk and his underling walking a tiny road down the mountain from the monastery to the village.  They come upon a lady on the side of the road wanting to cross to the other side.  The monk takes off his cloak and lays it across the mud puddle that had been prohibiting her from going to the other side.  Then the monk helps the lady across the road and carries on down the mountain.  As the duo neared the village the underling asked, "Isn't it dangerous to help that lady to the other side of the road because of temptation?"  The wise old monk stated, "The difference is that I left the lady on the other side of the road and you've carried her with you down the mountain."  Whenever we carry our past with us there is no room for the present.  Whenever we base our lives on what we think will happen in the future there is no room for the present.  Whenever we do either, we incapacitate ourselves and are unusable for Christ.  When you are done thinking, you still are left with making a decision...think or not to think.  Rely on Jesus or yourself and others.  It's always been your choice.

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