Saturday, September 24, 2016

Warnings for the Christian not living their faith

     The last couple of years have seen many changes (actually 8) where the worlds form of socialism has been steadily gaining ground even with some Christians.  Much like the frog put into cold water and going nowhere until being boiled to death, the Christian who isn't living their faith is doing the same thing.  Letting Jesus live his life through you isn't giving up, nor is it permission to compromise on the great commission.  Remember?  Go into all the world and make disciples of men.  Lukewarm Christians are not doing anything significant.  How can I say that?  Take a look around and notice the number of alleged Christians who have children who aren't believers, don't honor their parents and don't honor the Lord.  When we have the rampant disregard for others, we are not honoring anyone much less God.  Personally, I am tired of hearing men and women alike crying on TV when their child who just robbed a store is killed by the police and they are blaming it on the police.  Where is their responsibility and why did their child turn out this way?  She/he went to church every Sunday and visited their grandparents to help out during the week just isn't proof that the parents did their job.  I'm no stranger to abdicating my role as parent.  I've failed as well.
     We live in a world of violent unrest.  There are both the lack of two family parents and children being raised according to God's word.  If you disagree, just look at the priorities of your family compared with the guidelines in God's word.  There is clear Scripture that tells mothers and fathers exactly what to do.  Teach their children to Love God and to obey God's Word.  Pretty simple if you accept the fact that it is your and my responsibility to raise our kids so that they do so.  But, then, what do you do with a child who has rebelled and unwilling to submit to God and his Word?  Why are they rebelling in the first place?  What is it they are rebelling against?  Why has that become acceptable to you?  The Bible says that the sins of the fathers/mothers visit the children to the 3rd and 4th generation.  For example, that would mean for my children the sin of the parents goes back 4 generations.  What were the standards when you think back to your great-grandfather?  It was a completely different world.  Please, thank you and mam or sir were the standard.  Working as a teenager at home or out in the fields was not a choice.  The food cooked was the only food that was eaten.  You wore conservative clothes and brand names didn't mean anything.  You were grateful and did not make demands of anyone.  Things have changed.  Christians are not living the faith of their forefathers.  Are you?
     Take a moment and think of your priorities.  Halloween isn't a holiday where there is innocent little children begging for candy.  Halloween is a pagan and satanic holiday honoring and celebrating the devil.  But, then, everyone is doing it.  Not if you are believing in and loving God as your Lord and Savior.  St Patrick's day, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter bunny, and so many other "holidays" that are nothing but distractions from the Christian faith.  Still with me?  We are talking about al those things tat have implanted themselves by demonic forces to destroy the Christian and his/her family, friends, and acquaintances.  It doesn't get any better when we think about our daily life.  When we consider the priorities, are they all about Jesus?  Does your and my life live out the 2 commandments or does the world we've surrendered to?  Sin is your responsibility and needs to be dealt with out of fear of the Lord.  What's at stake?  Do our children have a true relationship with Jesus or are they living out the same lie that you've been living?  Remember that the sins of the father/mother can stop with your generation.  It's always your choice.

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