Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The return of innocence for the Christian

     With the annihilation of innocence with Eve and then Adam's actions, we lost that innocence for what seemed like forever.  With the knowledge of good we were doing okay but then the knowledge of evil turned the tide in the devil's favor with those in he world even to this day.  Where once there was no time, no stress, no selfishness and no other God to contend with, there is now all of that and more.  Innocence, though, has a way of being reinstated for the Christian.  When we come to that place where we are at or above the age of accountability (more on that in another blog), we have two choices to make.  We either accept Jesus or we reject Jesus.  No, there are no other choices.  Just like there are no other choices than heaven or hell.  Where humanity has taken the stance of shades of gray on all matters spiritual, they have no vision from God to be living out.  The innocence birth at our conversion is conditional and not just a given part of the Christian living.  The innocence of the Lord brought to us through the mercy and grace of Christ is a choice.  For most of us we view and enjoin our Christianity in a conditional manner.  Innocence at rebirth then is little more than a slate wiped clean with a chance to live in that innocence.
     We live our lives and usually choose what we think, say and do.  Is that so bad?  Yes, if we are taking the initiative to interpret the Bible as we wish rather than as God has written.  When we play with God's word, the innocence of God cannot enter in.  God abhors our changing what he has said to live as we want.  He says at least twice in the New Testament that those who do this will have their names erased from the Book of Life.  Pretty serious consequences for living according to man and not God.  Yet, that's what is being done in Christian (allegedly) organizations all in the name of God.  God, being gracious, slow to anger and abounding in grace, gives us another day on earth to let him live through us...everyday.  For some it may be the last day and for others it may be time to let us return to His way.  So, in a sense, we are allowed, should we choose, to enter into an innocence as we wake to a new day.  I don't know about you but I've found that I don't make it through a day without violating that innocence each day.  We are not perfect and can't be perfect until we pass into the presence of God. 
     The return of innocence for the Christian can be seen in our thoughts, deeds and words in the lives we live while here on earth.  What would the judgement of a court be regarding whether you and I are living a Christian life of the innocence of God?  Remember that Jesus was innocent and was crucified for our sin.  The court would or wouldn't find you guilty of belonging to Christ?  It's not a matter of hoping when the judgement is read.  What would you do if the judgement is that you were NOT a Christian and your sentence was to have your life ended.  Taken to the gallows your mind would be running a mile a minute wondering why you didn't follow Christ in spite of what the world though, in spite of what your family thought, in spite of what your work thought, in spite of what your children may think.  As the noose is put around your neck and you are crying out for mercy, what would you do?  What would those watching do?  Would they be cheering or would they be screaming for you to be released?  The moment comes, the trap door is opened and...  Innocence is returned for the true believer.  Nothing of the world remains.  All, according to Scripture, that we would do as we lived for God is worship him!  That's when innocence takes it's place again in our lives.  IF our only focus is on Jesus now, we can touch that innocence every day.  If we die so that Christ can live through us, we can touch that innocence every day.  Having the innocence of Christ inside of us translates to our love for God and others without condition.  Are you there?  Am I there?  It's a matter of choice of who is to live.  Do I live or do I die?  If I die, it's the innocence of Christ that lives within me.  Then there is no fear of death and breathing out for the last time here will mean breathing in for the first time there.  It's always your choice.

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