Sunday, September 4, 2016

If you were a zebra

     This is going to be fun!  If you were a zebra would you like to be black and white striped in a green environment?  Not very likely you could hide from your enemies.  They aren't the fastest animals in the jungle as well.  Well, anywhere in their environment.  Yet, they are very muscular and do have decent speed, travel in groups, and seem to have survived for many years.  If you were a zebra what would you be feeling?  Would you want to stay with the herd?  Would you want to blend into the herd and not be picked by that pesky lion, cheetah or other carnivorous predator?  There are, it would seem, to be several strikes against the zebra and many other animals worldwide.  Yet, being a zebra would be a bit like being a Christian.  You knew it was coming!  While there is no animal on earth like the zebra, there are no other class of people like the true Christians.  We are meant to be of one herd, strike out for our stripes (so to speak), and to be strong.  So, the big difference is that the zebra doesn't go around being an example and speaking about others becoming Christians.  Not everyone likes our designation.  Then, they didn't like Jesus either.  Zebras need to be united not only so that they can multiply but also be protected by each other when the attack comes.  So do the Christians.
     Jesus said that we are healed by his stripes.  We know that Jesus received 39 lashes before his crucifixion.  We know that science has categorized all disorders and illnesses into 39 categories.  We know that wasn't on accident.  Nothing God does or will do is by accident.  Paul was flogged and beaten, Peter was crucified upside down, and the other disciples were killed for their faith as well.  John was put in boiling oil to kill him.  He didn't die!  He was put on a prison island (not for vacation) to die.  He went on to write more books of the Bible including Revelation.  Why is it we try to not be zebra's?  We try to not be Christians or at least not look like Christians.  We fear taking a stand and subsequently just melt into the mass of lost humanity.  People go out and live as they like and then on the weekend go and ask for forgiveness of sins.  The next week they repeat the waste of time.  Nothing about them makes them a zebra or a Christian.  Others go to church at Christmas and Easter and call it good.  God calls it a waste of your time.  If you can only give 2 hours a year to Him, you aren't a Christian.  You are a pretender.  No animal in the animal kingdom tries to be a zebra.  Zebra's don't try to be anything but a full time, herd member zebra.  We can learn something from that.
     It's been said that you can always tell what a person is when their "real stripes" are revealed.  If we wait and observe we can make the distinction of which people are real and those who are not.  We don't have that problem with zebras.  Zebras are.  There are no other, they don't mind sticking out, and they aren't about to change for anyone.  Christians show their "real stripes" as well.  Do they stand out from the unbeliever?  Do they take pride in associating with Jesus?  Do they fulfill the requirement to love God and to love one another?  These are the signs we should look at in our own lives.  Just who are we, who do we represent and are we doing a good job?  You see, it's all about choices.  What have you chosen to be?  Are you a zebra (Christian), or are you just one of the masses?  It's always your choice.

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