Wednesday, September 7, 2016

No one is innocent, no one.

     Not one of us comes into this world innocent and we don't go out of this world in any different state.  We all know that babies are so cute and innocent in the worlds determination.  We also know that there is the innocence we all go through in order to move through the stages of life.  There is innocent mistakes and innocent assumptions.  But only in the sense of how the world defines the word.  Innocence is in Christ.  I should just stop there and leave that truth to say everything I feel God wants me to say...but I won't.  We like people to think we are innocent and we actually are when we have done nothing the worlds definition.  What is innocence?  Basically, Adam and Eve had innocent lives (totally) when they were in the garden.  When they ate of the fruit the devil took from them that innocence and it's been lost ever since.  NONE of those who followed through the eons has even tasted a little part of that innocence.  The Bible tells us that we are born in sin.  It is only through the blood of Christ that tat lack of innocence can be addressed.  However, you and I still won't have any innocence all the days of our life.  Not the kind the Bible talks about anyway.
     Think about this; every aspect of Adam and Eve's lives were totally in that state of innocence God had gifted them with.  There were no disappointment, no hurts, nothing that they needed.  Yet, why did Eve go to the tree when she was forbidden to do so?  Where was Adam when she went to the tree?  Where was Adam when Eve ate the forbidden fruit?  Why did Eve choose to bring some of the forbidden fruit to Adam to eat?  Why did Adam eat the forbidden fruit?  What were they thinking?  That's part of the problem, Eve started thinking outside of the love of God.  Eve committed the three classic stages of sin listed in Psalm 1:1.  She walked by the tree.  Then she stood by the tree.  Then she ate from the tree.  Her heart was inclined to enter into that sin and the devil was there to make it as enticing as he could.  It worked and mankind has had to deal with her choice ever since.  What about Adam you might be thinking.  Well, he wasn't there when Eve ate of the fruit.  He was still innocent when she came to him with her innocence gone.  She no longer was like God and didn't want him to be either.  She wanted him to be like her and so became the devil by tempting him and giving him fruit from the tree to eat. 
     Boy, I'm being so hard on Eve.  No, I'm being easy on Eve.  Adam had lived in the innocence of the life God had breathed into him for a long time.  Long enough to name everything on earth.  Adam enjoyed that there was no "time" as we know it today.  Time had a beginning when God created but there were no constraints on that time until Eve ate of the fruit.  For Eve, time began and she knew it.  She knew that she had lost the innocence of God's time.  Living with Adam would be intolerable if he didn't join her in her time prison.  So, she passed the time prison onto you and I and to our children and our grandchildren.  I'm not sending her a thank you note!  From that moment everything was encapsulated in time.  There was 9 months of gestation for birth.  There was, as Ecclesiastics puts it, a time to live and a time to die.  There was time and there would be no release from time until you and I are ushered into the presence of God.  For those who don't accept the grace of God, time ceases as well but in a pit of torment eternally.  At that moment when Eve determined to sin, she cast all of mankind into this lost innocent place.  It was her choice.  It was always her choice.  She chose and so now you have to choose.  It's always your choice as well.

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