Saturday, September 17, 2016

What to do if you disagree with the Bible.

     In short, repent!  You are wrong!  Should be able to say "Nuff said" and leave it at that but...that's not going to happen.  Some folks believe that if the Bible is silent on an issue that's when you can take it to be okay.  Not so.  The Bible is never silent on anything.  God has covered all subjects.  Basically, if you disagree with the Bible, you are disagreeing with God and making yourself the god of your world.  I'm not talking about a person here or a person there.  I'm talking about whole groups of folks who actually read the Bible and still disagree with it.  To the church that preaches prosperity as it's gospel, repent.  For the church that preaches tolerance of any sin, repent.  To that group that has taken upon itself to assert that Mary can forgive sins, repent.  To that faction of the Christian community (I use the term loosely) that doesn't believe that hell exists or that everyone will have a final chance to go to heaven, repent.  Then to those who believe that Jesus was just a good man, repent.  You see the pattern.  Man has made mockery of God's Word and God himself, repent.  If you happen to believe that you can live whatever kind of life you like but only need to be baptized as a child to enter heaven, repent.  Confession means nothing if you use it as a flag to say you are a good believer, repent.  If you are one of those numbered as believing you don't need to do anything with your faith to further the kingdom of God, repent.
     So, if we are to be called believers legitimately, what does that look like?  I can tell you that the Bible answers that question no matter where you read in the Bible.  Does your smoking tobacco or any other substance honor your relationship with God.  Contrary to popular thought, Jesus wouldn't smoke with you.  At the wedding in Cana, he made water into wine.  It doesn't say that he drank it.  Sometimes when we look at the Scripture we are really trying to formulate what it says to our liking.  God wouldn't get drunk with you, go to the bar and drink with you while your family is waiting at home.  Jesus told the money changers to rid themselves of his "Father's house" and so should we of those who do so now.  TV evangelists please hear this, you are not honoring God when you ask the poor to fund your mega house and million dollar lifestyle.  When did it become Christian to NOT take care of the poor and needy?  To the folks who buy $6 or coffee and biscotti on the way to work but do not share with those in need they walk by everyday, repent.  Within the Bible there is no verse saying it's okay to amass personal belongings while there are those in need, repent. 
     Jesus tells us in the Sermon on the Mount that we, if we are living a Christian life, will encounter trials and persecution because of our FAITH.  The old saying is, "If you don't feel persecuted, you aren't doing anything for God."  Hmmm...  Satan doesn't bother those who do nothing for God as he has you doing exactly what he wants.  Satan violently attacks those who are not just preaching the Gospel but also living the Gospel.  If you are living your faith, your life will make a difference with every day you breath and bless the Lord God.  Jesus tells us to not store up treasure on earth but to store up treasures in heaven where they won't be destroyed.  Treasures are not just money.  Treasures in God's eyes are the lives of the lost being found.  Treasures are the number of those with whom you shared your excess so that they would have clothing and food and shelter.  Treasures are those moments when God works through you to change your community, church and other organizations including your job.  Treasures are found not in what you choose to do but in what God has chosen for you to do.  If you disagree with the Bible, with God, and haven't repented, repent.  It's always your choice.

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