Thursday, May 12, 2016

With all this talk about who we associate as being; I'm choosing sane.

     I simply do not understand why people would choose to associate with the world as a man when they are a woman, woman when they are a man or any other combination.  It doesn't change our DNA.  We are who God created us to be.  At least that's what the Bible says.  So, if we change our name, we are still the same person.  If we change our relationships we are still the same person.  If we change our clothing we are still the same person.  If we have surgery and change our face we are still the same person.  You get the message.  If we change our mind we often cannot go back.  There is finality to some of the changes we make in our lives.  But, we are still the same person God has created.  Over the years I've seen a lot of changes in my life, the lives of people I care and don't care about, and in our society.  What I haven't seen is change in God.  He's the same yesterday, today and will be tomorrow.  God sees us from a different perspective than man does.  He sees the inside man and we present the outside man to our sphere of influence. 
     While society has been bending over backwards to "make others comfortable" they have also been advancing the discomfort within some Christians lives.  It's okay for boys to go in the girls bathroom at school while it's not okay for someone to read their Bible during lunch in those same schools.  It's okay for someone to associate with being a different race deceiving those who are that actual race in order to gain what they want.  Yet, it's not okay for you or I to associate as Christians at our place of work as they don't want us offending anyone who associates as lost.  While the world turns in turmoil confusing the masses with fancy dances and spin control God remains steadfast in who he is, what he does and what he has to say to us.  There is no shadow of turning for God...why should there be for us?  With promises of greatness, being our own person and success in what we do, all the world asks us to do is deny who we are in Christ.  Sounds a bit like a prophecy coming true to me.  If I give up my representation as a Christian in any place in my life then I give up my right to be called a son of God.  Who do you represent yourself to be?  Do you, like many Christians become whatever the world wants so that you can get what they have?
     It's difficult living in a situation where we are called upon daily to obey laws that don't represent who we are.  As a Christian I live in a country where I'm forced to accept that those of the world kill 1.5 million babies through abortion every year.  I'm forced to accept that my tax dollars go to pay for the procedure that many use simply as a means of birth control.  It's difficult to be backed into my "faith" corner with issues where atheists can celebrate pagan holidays but I can't say Merry Christmas but have to put up with pagan holidays where I shouldn't be offended.  People forget that Paul said that the Gospel is foolishness to those who are perishing.  He also said that we should expect those who say this is good to not be able to recognize it as evil.  Whatever we do as Christians in regards to this manner has a significant effect on our children, other Christians, and the non-believing.  We can stand firm and live the Gospel and suffer the persecution or we can avoid the Gospel for temporary peace.  What a choice!  But, it's your choice.  I choose to be politically incorrect.  I choose to associate as a believer.  I choose to stand firm and let people think what they may, make laws as they wish and punish myself and others like me should that be their choice.  I choose to not roll over and play dead.  Dead Christians should be in heaven and not here on earth amongst the living. 
     Who do you associate as being?  What is your choice?

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