Sunday, May 22, 2016

God is bigger than the boogey man!

     Unfortunately most of us have an image of God as being the same size as us and maybe less.  We tend to utilize that size of faith when we are confronted with need for faith. I understand that this is backwards but it's the truth.  Don't believe me?  How many times a day do you go about your life not depending on God for every facet of your life?  Do you make decisions based on His wisdom our your wisdom?  Do you ignore the prompting of the Holy Spirit because "you know better"?  I don't always pick up hitchhikers not because of who they may be but because the Spirit warns me to not do so.  I do pick up hitch hikers that God tells me to because I know He will keep me safe from harm.  God is in both decisions.  We drive past the homeless and think "how tragic" or "poor man/woman" and go home to a shelter, food and bed.  What would happen if you actually believed that God could do through you what he said he can do through you?  Would your definition or view of God change?  Would you go through your closet and give away what you haven't used in years?  Would you pack up your leftovers from dinner and drive them down to the homeless or would you put them in your fridge where two weeks later you would throw them out? 
     We like to think we have a grasp on our world through the media and our own perceptions.  What would it look like if you saw the media and your perceptions through God's eyes?  Would you see faith or lack of faith?  Would you see a faith that knows that God is in control and is able to bring you to where he wants you?  Would you see a faith that doesn't falter in the storm and soars in the sunny weather?  Would you see a faith that actually believes God can heal your sick child on his own or would you frantically be going about finding ways to take care of the situation yourself?  There are numerous times that we think we are having faith in God when in actuality we are having more faith in ourselves, our professionals and our friends and family.  That's not good.  Should people use my faith as a standard for believing in God?  Heaven's no!  I represent a minuscule part of that which God is.  You see the tip of the iceberg that is God in my life.  If you have my faith then you too are lacking the ability to see the bigger picture.
     We believe in a God we don't physically see.  We say his is there beside us, before us and behind us as we go through life.  That's true.  So, then, why do we take matters into our own hands?  If God is really bigger than the boogey man, why do we fear the boogey man?  The world through many different forms of media hype up events to bring up the fear and apprehension of people.  That's what sells stories.  The world doesn't see the huge army of God in angelic form standing with us, before us, beside us, and behind us.  The world doesn't see these same angels battling Satan's demons in order to keep our children and family/friends safe.  The world doesn't see because the world doesn't believe that God is bigger than the boogey man.  How often we step into the world and live our lives on the worlds terms rather than God's terms. 
     When I read through the Bible I encounter men and women of God who did amazing things as God directed their path.  These men and women chose to abandon self in order to build a boat on dry ground.  These are the amazing saints of God who in faith walked on dry ground between walls of water.  These are the gallant men and women who carried a weapon in one hand while rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem.  These are the same disciples who told the religious authorities they needed to obey God rather than man.  Wait!  Didn't these people also fail?  Yes, that's part of the lesson.  Failure reminds us that we need God and his success.  Coming down to this point requires one thing and one thing only.  We need to choose God.  It's always my choice and it's always your choice. 

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