Thursday, May 19, 2016

I like to walk in the dirt and mud.

     Problem is that when I come inside I track dirt and mud throughout the house.  It's not a problem for me as I just sweep it up and throw it away.  When others are in the home it becomes a different situation.  So, I take my boots off at the back door and place them in this rubber mat so the dirt doesn't get tracked around.  Then when I go outside I put on my boots and everything is great.  Sometimes I get so dirty that I wash off my boots before I come inside.  That definitely helps.  Finally, I've purchased one of those "magical" rugs that is supposed to take the dirt away from my shoes.  It sits in front of the door and does a good job.  Sometimes my clothing is dirty or muddy and I go in and change clothes.  Then of course my hands, arms and other body parts get dirty and that's what the sink or the shower are for.  Why the dialogue on dirt and mud?  It's an object lesson on what we do with the sin of everyday living.  I like to walk in the dirt and mud.  Sometimes, though I know I shouldn't, I like to entertain sin for my own pleasure.  You do as well.
     There is good news and bad news to this allegory.  The good news is that Jesus died for my sins.  The bad news is that I take what he did to lightly.  The good news is that he offers grace and mercy.  The bad news is that I take advantage of that grace and mercy.  The good news is that whatever failure I've had he always has a new and better plan for me.  The bad news is that so many opportunities are missed because I fight the better plan.  The good news is that I can still be a valuable witness of his love.  The bad news is that I am a less that I should be witness of his love.  The good news is that he can wipe out the past and forgive us our sins.  The bad news is that mankind does not.  The good news is that our life in Jesus is new every morning.  The bad news is that we take one step forward and two steps back.  The good news is that he has a perfect way for us.  The bad news is that we are sinners and unable to be perfect.  The good news is he loves us anyway.
     I like to walk in the dirt and mud.  That certainly can have more than one meaning.  If I'm working in the dirt and mud I am brushing elbows with sinners like me and letting them see Jesus in my life.  It's in the trenches where the mud and the dirt are that our faith and our purpose are put to the test.  Like being stuck in a foxhole for days on end waiting for salvation to come, we maintain the battle.  When someone comes to know Jesus we, like the angels of heaven, celebrate and are happy that another soul will be living eternally with God.  People criticize me when I go to the lost.  Not because I shouldn't but they don't want me to get any of that dirt and mud on them.  Ask them to go with me?  Been there and done that.  It's the mission put before me by God.  If they feel the call they can go themselves.  People are stuck in the dirt and mud and need to have help getting out of their situation.  If you and I don't give our help who will?  If we don't offer the saving grace of Christ, who will?  If I don't make the choice to get dirty and if you don't make the choice to get muddy we may remain clean.  But what good is clean if we can't get dirty? 
     Play in the dirt and mud today.  It's a great choice and only you can make it.

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