Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Here is the problem and the solution

     Identifying the problem is essential in order for all of us to begin the process of finding a reasonable solution and applying the tools to correct the problem.  For instance, finding a problem in my garden involving insects requires me to do some research for a natural solution (like ladybugs) as I want to keep my garden as organic as possible.  In order to accomplish this solution I need to research were I can find ladybugs and for a price I can afford on my limited budget.  Then once the ladybugs arrive I need to place them where they will do the most good and not fall prey to birds.  The solution often brings up the possibility of additional problems but that's the nature of the beast.  Sometimes the solution doesn't work and we need to begin again with understanding the problem.  Problems have a beginning like everything else in life.  There are symptoms of the problem that come up but they aren't the problem.  I may get angry and need to calm down.  But calming down doesn't identify the reason "why" I am angry.  Looking at the "first cause" of a problem allows us the best chance of dealing with the problem and not just put band aids on the symptom.
     The problems in my Christian life are myriad.  Having many problems leads me to either put my finger in the dike like the Dutch boy (you need to be old to understand this example).  I only have so many fingers and when the leaks become more than I can handle the problem is way out of control.  Solutions range from having someone come alongside you to plug the leaks with their fingers but they too will run out of fingers.  They have their own problems in life that need attending to and certainly don't need to be burdened down with my problems.  That's not to say we shouldn't bring our problems to the body of Christ for their help because we should do so.  We really need to look at the first cause.  The first cause of my sins is selfishness.  End the selfishness and the first cause is done.  It's not that simple.  There is a daily and often moment by moment battle going on for my life and soul.  My salvation is the anchor that keeps the enemy from having me.  That doesn't mean he is unable to bring trials and temptations on me.  Again, he is a symptom and not the problem.  The problem is me.  The problem is my selfishness. 
     How do we deal with selfishness?  We surrender our desires and our wants along with our needs.  The Bible says that God waits to pour the blessings of heaven upon us so much that we cannot contain them.  So, why don't we?  James says it's because we ask and don't receive because we ask with the wrong motive...selfishness.  We see to consume the blessings of God with no thought of God or others.  At least I find that to be a problem in my life.  I wrote yesterday that true love is the absence of selfishness.  In order to be unselfishness I am in need of abandoning Steve.  Putting Jesus first in all areas of my life, listening to the Holy Spirit direct my life moment by moment, and being accountable to the Father.  Notice there is no mention of any of the thoughts, concerns and conditions the world has us running circles around.  Why?  Because in Christ we have all we need.  In Christ we are blessed beyond our imagination.  Because in Christ we are focused on His will and not ours.  In Christ we approach problems and not with our own wisdom (which only proves my foolish thoughts).  The solution to the problem is Jesus. 
     The problem is not in our belief but in our faith.  We are happy to believe that which we see and touch like Thomas but have difficulty with what we don't see and touch.  When we are boxed in (Christians never should be) the first person we run to is "ME".  When we live a life outside of the box and live the life Jesus wants us to live there is no room for "ME".  It's a daily and difficult choice.  Like any habit it takes time to establish giving our life, day, and yes, our problems to Jesus.  It's a conscious choice and it needs reinforcement every moment of every day.  Given time, that choice, will allow others to see Jesus through our daily living.  You won't need to speak a word for people to know you love Jesus.  It's our choice.  It's your choice.  It's my choice...always.

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