Friday, May 13, 2016

Christians who "aren't hurting anyone".

     "Harmless fun", "Innocent lies", and other such statements are all to frequent within the Christian community.  I'm not talking about celebrating Satan's holiday Halloween.  Nor am I talking about keeping a surprise party a surprise party.  There is a difference between what we think inside our hearts and heads than what we put forth out of our hearts and heads.  I can think one thing and say another and so can you.  We do it more often than we like.  For instance, when you see an attractive man or woman do you think, "I wonder if they are a Christian?" or do you think, "Wow, how sexy can you get.  I'd love to..."?  One is the outside manifestation of what you know you should think or say and the other is the inside manifestation of what your heart is desiring.  That desire being not what Jesus would do.  The Bible says that man looks at the outside while God looks at the heart.  The Bible says garbage in, garbage out.  Or something like that.  What do we think and what do we live?  Are they congruous or are they opposites?  Does my harmless fun and innocent lies reflect what Jesus has done in me or does it reflect what the old man is hanging onto? 
     Just what do we see when we look around us?  Do we see the pleasures of the world or the mission of God?  Maybe you live in both worlds.  I do.  Not all the time but I still have part of the old man trashing my mind and heart.  What can we do to squelch the one voice while giving life to the other?  For beginners we can look at the cause and skip trying to control the symptoms.  I cannot control my thinking.  God can.  He says that we should take every thought captive.  He says we should tear down every stronghold.  He says we need to die to self so that Jesus can live in and through us.  We say, "But I like my sin."  Well, maybe not those words but our actions say it.  Our thoughts say it and we refuse to do anything about it.  There is the "look but do not touch." and the "it's not hurting anyone to look." mentality lurking in many of us.  I'm sure there is someone out there who has let go of all their demons.  So, the symptoms remain.  What do we do about this problem?  How do we get to that place where God is supreme in our lives?  It's not just as easy as "let go and let God." 
     Recognizing that we are sinners and full of sin is the first step.  Calling our thoughts, actions and words what they really are is the first step.l  Being honest with God is the first step.  Understanding there is nothing lovely about our sin is the first step.  We are powerless over ourselves.  Like an addict we are addicted to sin.  Try as we may, sin has a hold on us like nothing else.  Acknowledging the first step of our reality brings us to that place where we now are sick of being sick.  When we understand that the sin contaminates our soul and restricts God in our lives as well as destroys our intimacy with God; we can begin to reach for the only source of help...Jesus.  It's one of those times that we need to evaluate the Scripture where Jesus said, "not everyone who calls on my name is saved."  "Lord, Lord, didn't we..." and he will say, "No. you didn't."  "If you haven't done this to the least of these, you haven't done this for me." Done what?  Here is where we have to focus.  Deep concentration is essential.  Being absolutely enthralled and drawn to the love of God causes us to be Christ to the world.  If we are so captivated by the love of God, Jesus, that all we see is Jesus then we are doing what he wants us to do, thinking what he wants us to think and saying what he wants us to say.  There is no more room for any part of me and my old man. 
     "Easier said than done."  That's something I frequently have said and heard from other believers.  For us it may be hard.  For us it may be difficult.  For us the decision to give it all up for Christ may be daunting.  BUT for God nothing is impossible.  We are back to the root issue.  Do we choose to let God be Lord of ALL of our life rooms or do we choose only to let him in the living room where the dusty Bible sits on the coffee table?  Are you convinced that Jesus is walking beside you, before you and behind you to the point where you can talk with him anytime, anywhere with anyone?  Do you feel the empowering of the Holy Spirit or the draw of the world?  It's up to you and I to give up.  Give it over and get on with His life.  Your and my choice.  It's always been. 

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