Tuesday, June 9, 2015

What's a guy/gal supposed to do?

     Ever have one of those moments when you know that regardless the action you choose; that action will be the wrong one in someone's eyes?  This is particularly true in relationships.  Sometimes there just doesn't seem to be a "right" choice.  Every choice seems to dig a deeper and deeper hole.  I've found a solution for this very event.  Isolate.  Become a hermit.  Shun any kind of relationship with man or woman.  This may not be realistic but it's the choice of many on a daily basis.  We become fake presenting fake interest, fake caring, and fake follow through.  It's a dilemma that has been around since the beginning of time.  Rather than take a stand and let the chips fall where they may, Eve ate the fruit.  Rather than take a stand and let the chips fall where they may, Adam ate the fruit.  Rather than take a stand and let the chips fall where they may, Steve chose a variety of sins to meet his perceived immediate need.  How about you?  Just what is a guy supposed to do? 
     It's difficult in this day and age to stand up for what is right.  With people lined up down the hall and around the corner just waiting to step into your job, you and I cave.  Carrying the baggage of a hurt past (even back to childhood) people carry their secrets and pretend that everything is fine...until they hit critical mass.  Just what are we supposed to do?  Doing the right thing is seldom popular but is always the right thing.  Doing the right thing will maybe put someone else out of work when you catch them cheating/stealing/etc...but it's always the right thing.  Being honest is important in our relationships.  Building relationships without disclosure begs for future problems.  Some would argue for maintaining some secrets.  Satan loves that!  He can use secrets for his good pleasure and our demise.  Telling the truth is often difficult but should never be impossible.  ALL of us have secrets.  No one is outside that category.  But whom do we have secrets from?  Certainly not God.
      It's a matter of character.  Letting your child win a game of Candy Land may help their ego but fails to teach them that losing is okay as well as long as you learn something.  Doing everything for your child, spouse, parent, friend, co-worker, enemy, and whomever is not the answer to the problem.  Many a person has burned out and fled every one of these categories.  Character demands we stand up, make the right choice, and not cave in to the way of the world.  This is not popular today outside of Christian circles.  Okay, it's not popular in many Christian circles as well.  Jesus showed what character is when he stood his ground all the way to the Cross. 
     I'm a guy if you hadn't noticed.  Guys don't show emotions or get mushy with other men (generally).  When two guys meet they may shake hands, nod the head (twice if you know them) and may even hug but with their hands clasped between their bodies.  Guys don't tell other guys that they love them (generally) and certainly don't cry.  What is a guy supposed to do?  I'll tell you about my brother and friend Steve.  Steve and I have known each other for quite a few years and through more than one troubling time in each of our lives.  Both of us will drop what we are doing for the other.  You know this kind of friendship.  He knows everything about me but wouldn't think of throwing it in my face.  He knows my flaws and helps me improve because it's the right thing to do.  One day while visiting Steve we were talking and I felt the urge to say something.  I told Steve, "I love you."  After a short shocked silence (we were both shocked) he told me the same thing.  Steve and I are both heterosexual and in relationships.  The love we have is like David did for Jonathan.  Brothers from different mothers.  It was the right thing go do.
     What's a guy/gal supposed to do?  The right thing...always.

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