Monday, June 15, 2015

My reality check bounced!

     Reality has a bad habit of getting in the way we want our lives to go.  Between bursting bubbles and ruining fantasies, reality has a full time job.  Some of the time we need reality to place us solidly on ground that doesn't give way to the earthquakes and tornados that come our way.  Choosing between reality and non-reality is sometimes difficult because we enjoy the earthquakes and tornados a little to much.  We can enjoy both worlds only if we are prepared for the consequences of choosing one or the other.  I can choose to speed on the freeway and do so.  I know that for the most part I can go 8 miles over the speed limit and not get a ticket.  Then there are the exceptions where reality comes into play.  It's raining and no longer safe to go anything over the speed limit.  Do I risk the ticket?  This is the dance we do with so many issues in our lives.  When I've engaged the bubbles and fantasies to the point they have become my reality I am in big trouble.  Here reality is not only needed but absolutely essential for my health and welfare.  Someone or something has to bring me back to earth.  Reality is able to do just that...even if I don't like it.
     It's at this point in the earthquake or tornado that my reality check bounces.  My definitions of different things in life may be fantasy based, misinformed based, lie based, or just lack of knowledge based.  Should my definitions, which I live by daily, come into conflict with reality something has to give.  Sometimes reality has to act like a strong river that wears down its banks so that the course can be changed.  The more I try to keep the river from making it's evolution, the longer I avoid reality.  We can only fight the forces of reality so long before we are overwhelmed with the pressure and need for change.  When this happens we again have a choice.  We can engage the change or we can put up the wall and turn our backs.  I've done both but don't consider myself an expert on either point.  It was Freud who said, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."  While I would like to make rationalizations and justifications about "my" reality; there are times when I just need to admit that my fantasy and balloons are not reality. 
    When Jesus asked the disciples to tell him who they thought he was there were a number of replies.  But the reply that Peter gave was the most telling of all.  He said, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."  Reality had set in.  Peter, the most stubborn of all the disciples, had his reality check and it passed.  When we are met with the same question, who do we say we are much less who Jesus is?  As a Christian do we live with balloons and fantasies or do we live in reality?  It's a matter of view and necessity.  The world sees the Christians reality as balloons and fantasies.  The Christian sees the worlds reality as balloons and fantasies.  Which to choose?  For the most part this shouldn't even be a question for the Christian.  We either believe in the reality of God or we don't.  The implications are real, we have the choice.  Whatever choice we take, we also take the consequences (positive or negative) that come with the choice.  Further, we pass on that choice to that circle around us where we have influence.  We portray Christ to our children, spouses, friend, family, co-workers and even our enemies in such a way that either reality is altered or made sound.
     Today is a reality.  I will, by the grace of God, live yet another day.  Reality is Christ can take me home anytime he wants according to His will and not mine.  Today is a time of many choices as to engaging reality or not.  I will choose reality as much as I can with who I am and what I know.  That's about all I can do for today.  Tomorrow my reality check may bounce.

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