Thursday, June 18, 2015

It just boggles the mind!

     There I was minding my own business when I read the news.  I knew better!  However, once a door has been opened, even a crack, you can't help but remember what you see or hear.  Our world is in a mess.  Crime is rampant, abuse is out of control, corruption is around every corner and it's no longer able to tell the good guys from the bad guys.  Church massacre, politician exposed, police shootings, and full emergency room 24/7.  That's what we are faced with day after day.  Doesn't matter if you live in Goodrich, North Dakota or Olympia, Washington; no one is immune from the havoc being delivered on his generation.  I haven't even mentioned the 1.5 million babies aborted every year in America, the genocide in many countries overseas, or the starving children on multiple continents.  What is going on?!  All of this is before us because mankind has failed to act as God has told us to act.  When we do nothing the results are visited on us and future generations.
     In spite of the items listed in the above paragraph, there is some consolation that some are acting and some are standing up, and some are sounding the alarm.  Just because it's not all bad doesn't make what is going on okay.  The Bible says our world needs to get worse than it was in the days of Noah before the Lord will come back.  Hello!  The first paragraph isn't bad enough!  It makes you wonder why we do anything so that His return is hastened?  For many doing nothing is just not an option.  Jeremiah was told by God to stop praying for the Israelites because they were such a disobedient people.  Jeremiah told God, "I cannot not pray for the people."  He, like many of us, found he needed to do something even though the prognosis was not good.  His motive was God's heart.  Others, even Christians, motivation is more selfish and destructive in nature.  Even today.  Giving of ourselves to others is worthless if it's not what God has put on our hearts to do.
     Though the circumstances are dire in the world today, what boggles my mind is the nonchalant way we Christians live our lives.  The "someone else will do it." mentality permeates our faith.   Christians stand by while all kinds of evil are visited upon our neighbors, friends and families.  We don't even care about our enemies!  How crazy is that?  This is what is happening to fellow Christians.  What we don't do and do to the unsaved is even worse.  I'm guilty here as well as you are.  I'm preaching to the choir.  When we don't care about the salvation, life and future of others we make a mockery of what Christ did for us.  We are politically correct, not wanting to offend others and stand by while evil triumphs.  We argue about what color to paint the church bathroom but fail to see the homeless sleeping behind the church dumpster night after night.  What good is our faith if we stand by and do nothing?
     We have numbed our hearts and compassion is far from our grasp.  We've accepted the compassion Christ has for us but refuse to give that same compassion to others.  Our own inaction condemns us even before we act.  It just boggles the mind!  The real question isn't whether or not the church will change and take up the cross of Christ.  It's not even encouraging others to do their Christian duty.  The real question is what will YOU do?  Will you be able to stand before God and come up with some reason you held onto your possessions while so many had none?  Perhaps you can explain to God how he made a mistake and his enemies are your enemies?  Whatever you do, don't be found believing that any of us are going to get away unjudged.  Don't be deceived that our inactions will not be looked at in the same was as our actions.  The greatest sin is to be able to do something and not do anything.  Are you boggling the mind of God?

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