Wednesday, April 8, 2015

We get what we have coming.

     Some people would see that as a negative comment.  We don't like to have negative consequences to positive behavior.  Such is the world of the one who would choose to follow Jesus.  The Word is very clear that those who have faith in Jesus will face persecution and hardship even to death if they stand firm on Jesus.  Millions of Christians have lost their lives in various places around the world.  All in the hopes to still our voices.  It's still happening today as Muslims have taken to killing Christians just because they believe in Jesus.  The consequences of our faith can have negative impact for those who believe.  But, as they say, "you ain't seen nothing yet"!  These are merely the birth pangs of the return of Christ and the end of evil.  The devil has been given his position on earth among mankind.  If you don't adhere to Satan's beliefs then you too are targeted to be neutralized.
     There is the old saying, "No good deed goes unpunished."  The good deed spoken of is the spirit of man attempting to be positive toward their fellow man.  The person who stops to help someone having car trouble only to have his vehicle car jacked.  The family who lets someone into their house to "use the phone" is suddenly and brutally killed.  You get the picture.  The message is for us to no longer do good to others.  This begs the question "Why are you doing these good deeds?"  If you are doing them because you want to be seen in a positive context; your motive is wrong.  If you are doing these things because Jesus tells us to do them; your motive is right.  That doesn't mean that your good deed will be rewarded with good consequences.  Many a missionary has gone into the field only to have their lives taken away from them.  All of what I have said thus far are examples of the worlds fear of what and who you believe in.  Jesus.  People fear Jesus.
     The question that remains for the believer and follower of Jesus is whether our motive is Christ centered or Steve centered.  If God is not in it, it's me.  If God is in it, than it's God.  Our faith and belief system determine whether or not a positive or negative consequence takes place in our lives and the lives of those who are like minded.  Do I do good only when I feel safe?  Are the good deeds done in the name of Jesus?  Just when does common sense kick in versus God sense?  Should we be brave to abandon our lives for Jesus we will receive the ultimate reward of eternal life with Him who created us.  Paul lamented that he longed to go home to be with Jesus when he was being tormented and pursued by unbelieving people.  He longed to go home and be with Jesus when things were good as well.  His focus was in Christ and Christ resurrected.  Paul surrendered his life so that God could live through him.  This didn't prevent evil from happening.  The more effective the Gospel message, the more who believed.  The more who believed rooted out the evil and changed their world.  The more their world was changed for Jesus the angrier Satan becomes.  The angrier Satan becomes the worse the persecution.  All because of fear.  Our fear of the Lord (love) trumps the fear of Satan every time.
     God tells us that we have all the blessings of Heaven.  What more do we need?

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