Monday, April 27, 2015

Have you ever been amazed?

     There have been any number of times when I have been amazed over the years.  For beginners the birth of my children.  Watching the process from becoming pregnant to delivery of that child has to be right up there at the top of amazing events.  My first child's birth was especially impacting as I was innocent.  Innocent in the way that I had never been there or done that before in my life.  When that little baby came out and cried; so did I.  Love took me to a new level of amazement.  Wow!  Each child's birth was special in just that same way but different.  I'm sure that the point of view from their mother was different from mine as well as would be for every couple.  The point that I had something to do with creation itself was and is amazing! 
     We say that this or that is "amazing" on a regular basis.  It's amazing that my car made that trip.  It's amazing that he/she is able to even function.  It's amazing what surgeons can do with modern medicine.  It's amazing that I'm still alive and not in jail!  The last one is especially true for me.  What creates all of this "amazing" reflection in our lives?  I would like to suggest that "amazing" is the product of the "opposite".  Let me explain.  We know the ordinary so anything outside of the ordinary is extraordinary.  It's beyond the bounds of our imagination.  We cannot see past the confines of our minds, experiences and desires.  Though we are a driven people, we are constantly looking for what isn't there...yet.  When I see some news report of a girl being raped on a beach by 3 guys in front of thousands of people and NO ONE does anything; that's amazing in a completely negative way.  It's the "opposite" of our expectations. 
     The Bible has a favorite story of "amazing" that I love to tell.  Moses was minding his own business tending the sheep and probably a few goats as well.  He is looking in the sky for predatory birds as well as scanning the surrounding land for the same thing.  Suddenly, there is a burning bush.  That's not amazing.  The bush is on fire.  That's not amazing.  The bush is not consumed.  That's amazing.  The story doesn't end there.  Moses leaves his herd to watch itself.  Outside of the norm for him and it's amazing the sheep/goats stayed there.  He approaches the bush and God speaks out of the burning bush.  Wait!  God speaks?  That's not amazing.  He's been speaking forever.  God speaks out of the burning bush.  That's amazing.  Of all the mediums he could have spoken from, God chose the burning bush.  The best is still to come!  Moses has a conversation with God.  Moses doesn't just listen to God, he talks with God!  Amazing!  Getting better but not there yet.  God tells Moses what he wants Moses to do.  Moses argues with God, whines about the calling but finally gives in.  Here comes the amazing moment in the story.  Moses asks God THE question:  "Who shall I tell the people has sent me?"  Dead silence for a moment or longer.  You can almost hear God slap himself on the forehead and proclaim his shock at the question.  God finally addresses this amazing (stupid) question in this manner:  "Tell them that I Am has sent you."  What?  There was the chasm between God and Moses that exists in us today.
     For God there are no other gods.  For man, there are many gods to choose from.  Some choose God and others settle for god.  For the god mankind chooses, there are names by which the question could be answered.  "Buddha sent me."  However, for the creator of the world and all that he created there is only one answer.  "I Am sent you."  As in, the only God.  There is no other.  All the rest are manufactured.  If Moses had been thinking God wouldn't have had to be amazed.  If we are thinking then we needn't be amazed either.  God is.  God will always be.  I'm amazed!  Are you?

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