Thursday, April 2, 2015

It's almost Easter!

     For the average to below average Christian this means chocolate, peeps, the Easter bunny and buying new outfits for yourself and the kids.  It's Easter egg hunts, overeating at relatives homes (or yours), and little reflection on the true center of the Easter holiday.  That is what Easter is for the average to below average Christian.  Lying to our kids about holidays has become common place while the truth is alluded to in Sunday school (if you attend).  The commercial world begs us to eat more chocolate and other income generating items.  They certainly don't talk much about what it cost Christ.  The local stores begin putting out Easter items and propaganda somewhere after New Years Day and then begin the 50% off sale around the two week mark before the holiday.  This disallows Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday in most average to below average Christians lives.  It's just the way it is.  Or is it?
     What has happened?  An old quote tells us that "if we don't stand for something, we will fall for anything."  The Bible says that Satan goes about the earth "seeking to deceive the very elect."  This is not about chocolate or the Easter Bunny.  This is about a spiritual war that was fought and won by the Lord Jesus Christ through his life, death, and resurrection for OUR sins.  That's what Easter is all about.  As Christians we have the charge to be witnesses to all the earth.  We are commanded to go forth and "make disciples".  Our job begins when we give our lives over to Jesus and tell him to do with our lives as he wishes.  Out job ends when we pass from here to Heaven.  This life in Christ is more than a "job" though.  It's not something we can do from 9 to 5 and then hang it up while we eat dinner and clean the garage.  It's not a job assigned like mowing the lawn or doing the dishes.  We have volunteered to be whatever Christ wants and needs us to be. 
     The problem can be summed up in stating that as Christians we have lost (if we ever have had) our passion, desire, and thankfulness for what Christ did so we can be free.  We put lots of "stuff" in front of the plain facts.  When we could just as easily proclaim Christ, we proclaim a sale at Sears.  When we could talk with our neighbor about Jesus, we instead turn to what kind of fertilizer they use.  Easter is the day of good news and yet for the most part we don't live like it.  Recently in our nation Christians have been compromising their beliefs and bowing down to the beliefs of others simply because they demand it.  I'm glad Jesus didn't do that.  The problem isn't the world, the message of the consumer driven business world, or even the desires of those groups and individuals  who do not worship Jesus as Lord and Savior.  The problem is you and I.  The problem is we have forgotten our first love.  We've forgotten our first love because our beliefs aren't precarious enough for us to stand up for those beliefs.
     Jesus stood up for us.  He took the cross for us.  He rose from the dead and ascended to Heaven for us.  He still is putting together a place for us.  Jesus is looking forward to taking us home to meet the Father.  Are we looking forward to sharing that message?  You won't find the message in chocolate bunnies or peeps (regardless of what color).  You find the message in those who are serious about their faith in Jesus.  It's almost Easter.  We need to, as believers, act like it.

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