Saturday, April 4, 2015


     We all have an idea what Christians are commanded to do and not do.  However, there are some commandments that I choose to call "non-commandments" and they permeate  our daily lives.  You will recognize some of them and maybe even have an "aha" moment.  These commandments are man made and mostly self serving.  They are also hinged on what we know we should do.  James 4:17 says that "If you know what is right to do and don't do it; you sin."  Pretty straight forward when we first read that Scripture.  What mankind has taken to doing is interpreting Scripture to either justify their lifestyle or to rationalize their choices.  Before I get started you need to know that I have discovered these "truths" by violating what I know to be what God has wanted in my life.  You have too. 
     The first one I'd like to address is "Thou shall mind thy own business."  Nowhere in Scripture are we asked, ordered or even demanded that we mind our own business.  Being "my brother's keeper" is the first thought that passes through my heart and soul as I consider minding my own business.  We are convinced by society that we should tolerate other beliefs as genuine for the person who holds that view.  We are also convinced by society that freedom of choice is respected.  In the 60's there was a bumper sticker that said, "Different but not wrong."  Nothing could be further from the truth.  But then, most of society is self serving and don't really care whether it's right or wrong as long as no one bothers them about that choice.  Minding your own business brings us into this downfall and the destruction we see in our world today.  The Bible says that our world needs to get worse than in the days of Noah before Jesus will come back.  How bad is that?  Really bad.  Don't fall for the "mind your own business" non-command.  Be your brothers keeper.
     Next would be "Thou shall roll over and play dead."  Very real in the expectations of those who are perishing.  Anyone who is anti-Jesus asks the rest of the world and society to do just this.  Don't believe me?  Look at the headlines of recent.  Christians are even ordered by the government to do what is against their beliefs for those who are perishing.  Examples range from commands of companies (Christian or not) being forced to offer coverage for the abortion pill to not being allowed to quietly pray by yourself over your lunch in the school cafeteria.  Someone of another belief system doesn't like your bumper sticker or the forbidden food you serve in your business; make a complaint and the government will step in to order the removal of the offensive message your Christian choice has imposed on others.  No where in Scripture is there a passage where we are to roll over and play dead.  Rather we are to stand firm and in so doing not compromise our belief. 
     A third non-commandment would be "Thou shall honor the governments in directing how to raise your child."  Since 1962 the government has taken a stance that human beings in the United States do not know how to parent.  So, the government has intervened so that our children will turn out better than us bad parents.  In so doing parental authority given in the Bible has been taken away from the parents in our society.  Not just in the United States but around the world.  For many communities Christian parenting has had to go underground in order to be exercised with their children.  Our children are educated at an early age about the worlds definition of so many areas of life.  Many of those areas are contrary to Scripture.  For instance, school nurses have to obtain parents permission and a doctors note to give an aspirin to our child while providing abortion to our children without any acknowledgement from parents that our child has even been sexually active.  Children are given the power to interpret what is "abusive" versus what is not.  Many a child has been able to direct their life by accusing a parent of wrong doing when they have been denied their choice.  Never mind that the Bible says that Christian parents are "to raise up a child in the fear of the Lord."  or they are to raise up a child in the way they should go so that they can live long and have a prosperous life.  The list goes on.  Our world of parenting is in dire straights because of the choices of society limiting the command of Scripture in regards to parenting.
     The final non-command that I'd like to address is, "Thou shall not have a conscience."  George Orwell in his book, 1984, showed a world that we "knew" would never come our way when he wrote that missive.  It's here.  We who have chose to have Jesus as our Savior have also chosen to have a conscience.  Not a worldly conscience but a God given and directed conscience.  Where once our nation was founded on Biblical principles and led by godly men and women who chose God over mans ways; little of that mindset can be found today.  We aren't asked to give up our conscience.  We are told that our mindset is wrong.  Much like the reprogramming of dissidents in foreign countries, we are sent to this or that program for "re-educating" in order to benefit the greater good.  We are commanded to give up our conscience for fear of losing our kids, our spouses, our jobs, our heritage and most importantly our faith.  If you think things are bad today in this matter, look out for tomorrow.
     There are many other non-commandments which I am sure have been running through your mind as you have read this page.  I'd like to hear your thoughts about this subject and non-commandments that drive you nuts.  The two great commandments Jesus gave are our cornerstone of life.  The first is to love the Lord God with all of you.  The second is to love your fellow man as you love yourself.  That's it.  Nothing complicated.  Nothing compromised.  Don't give in to non-commandments just because others (including pastors) tell you to do so.  Live a life based on the love of Christ.

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