Saturday, April 11, 2015

Living with someone else's truth.

     "What is truth?" is a famous question put to Jesus before his death.  It's still echoed through the various places and people of the world.  The truth is.  That's the simple version.  The truth seems to be elusive and eminent at the same time.  We put great authority and decision making on the truth.  Most people believe that politicians are unable to tell the truth or even live the truth.  Perhaps it's true to the common man.  For the one needing someone to blame anyone else will do if they have a different belief in what truth is or is not.  We "swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, so help me God."  This truth isn't about the truth as much as it is about your and my personal integrity.  Some actually believe that we need to always tell the truth.  Perhaps you are one of them.  My life has been full of lies that I rationalized and justified over the years so that I could feel better about my sham of a life.  Even after giving my life to Jesus this behavior continued.  Having repented of my ways, I find myself more honest and forthcoming than previously.  What did my behavior around the "truth" tell other Christians about me?  What do you think your circle of family, friends and enemies believe about your life you are living by your definition of truth?
     Why are we so afraid of the truth?  Does it give us a sense of power or powerlessness?  Are we afraid of speaking the truth because of our want to not offend anyone?  I believe that people are found to be present in each of these three questions.  We fear the truth for the ramifications it brings to our world.  When we live the truth the number of people in our circle grows quite small.  Thus the authority of the group consensus is diluted and eventually people abandon their truth.  We would rather be offended as someone else's truth is crammed down our throats than stand for the truth we hold dear.  Jesus told Peter that he would deny him 3 times before the rooster crowed.  Three times Peter denied Jesus.  He, in so doing, also denied himself and his beliefs.  Fear of the crowd that had just arrested Jesus brought Peter to that low point of his life that came from denying Jesus.  Even today the truth is maligned and redefined so that people can preserve themselves and their particular world. 
     Just what is the truth?  The Bible is the truth.  Jesus is the truth.  The Trinity is the truth.  Living life as Jesus would have you to live is the truth.  God is the truth.  Jesus said in John 14 "I am the way, the truth and the life."  Notice the singular statement. Only one way, only one truth, and only one life.  Anything outside of Jesus isn't truth at all.  This is such a huge issue that multiple times in the Bible we read the result of adding to or subtracting from the truth of the Word of God.  Yet, that warning goes on today just like yesterday and tomorrow.  Christians live like they don't believe the truth of God.  Celebrations based around Easter bunnies, Christmas Santa, and other fictitious (lies) are being fed to our children as well as the children outside of Christian homes.  Why do Christians celebrate pagan holidays like Halloween?  Why do Christians propagate the lies of the world as the truth of the Bible?  And so, "with winking eyes they profess to themselves to be wise but are seen as fools."  There it is, the end.  The truth of God is found in the wise while he truth of the world is found in the fools.  Which are you?

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