Saturday, February 14, 2015

What stand do you want to take?

     The most common form of this question is: "What stand do you want me to take?"  When asked, there is an expected answer.  Like the old question: "Have you stopped beating your wife?"  Neither "yes" or "no" is appropriate unless there is truth to the statement.  There are very few people and even fewer situations where people are truly asked to be their self.  So, when we ask the question and don't get the answer we want, we can clearly see that someone is against us.  When people ask me about my Christian faith they don't really want to hear about my faith.  They want to hear about my failings because they have failings.  This isn't wrong to ask.  What is wrong is to dis my story because it doesn't match yours.  Nor does this make my story any greater or lesser than your story.  Your stand may be different than mine.  That doesn't mean it is wrong.  It means it's different.  That's all.  Nothing more.  Zip. 
     The ability to ask questions is wonderful.  Especially if you are two going on three.  "Why?" drives parents and other relatives crazy for about a year.  We are teaching them about the world and though tire of the whine, we encourage them.  However, when family and those around us look to be making a decision based on faulty thinking, we desire to intervene.  Not because we know so much but more that we care so much.  Don't take a stand on how much I do or don't care.  Take a stand because you can.  God has put our hearts and minds on "active" so that we can evaluate and entertain our world.  We know right and wrong to one degree or another and can make either choice.  It's called free will.  It's right for them whether we think so or not.  Often in life we are asked by our family, friends and others to "bear with me while I work through this."  That's good.  We need to have this in our lives as well.
     When put in a Christian context, the "stand" isn't originally ours.  Originally the "stand" was requested of us by God.  God's standard guides the question we began with.  With each stand we have the choice to stand with God or to stand against God.  There is no gray area or and in between place where we can call ourselves safe.  Even inaction is action.  What stand do you want to take?  Perhaps you wrestle with making a stand at all.  I've been there.  Sometimes we want to check out and just go fishing for the day.  We don't want to take a stand.  Why?  Because there is so much at stake.  Relationships have been created and destroyed when someone makes a stand.  Companies have risen and fallen for the same reason.  Nations have been created and destroyed in much the same manner.  What part have you and I played in this by either taking a stand or not taking a stand. 
     "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."  That's what is at stake when we have a decision to make.  Are we going to be the ones who do nothing or are we going to risk and do something?  Great men and women have changed society because they took a stand.  If America hadn't entered WWII France would be speaking German right now.  It's all about taking a stand.  Taking a stand costs.  The moment we take a stand we become a part of something larger than ourselves.  Taking a stand is making a commitment.  Making a commitment is scary.  What if we make the wrong stand.  At least we did something! 
     Today we are going to be asked to take a stand by people, organizations and others around us.  What stand we take will incorporate change in us and all around us.  You and your stand are important and even essential for the survival and progress of mankind.  You count and so does your stand. 

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