Sunday, February 8, 2015

The power of secrets.

     I have one or two secrets.  Some people have more and some people have less.  Some of our secrets are huge and other small.  They are secrets none the less.  What's your secret? 
     Secrets hold power over people.  We wonder if our secret will be found out and what will that bring about in our lives.  Unlike high profile people e the low profile people aren't as captive to their secrets.  Sometimes the secrets are small and other times so huge they overwhelm us.  People's secrets have haunted them for months to lifetimes.  Taking secrets to the grave doesn't take away their power.  Many a confession has been made only after the secrets have worn us down like a winding river wears on it's banks.  The direction of the river and of our lives is changed forever.  Innocence is gone.  We even cultivate the world of secrets with those around us.  "Don't tell mom."  "Don't tell dad."  "Don't tell so and so."  Just don't tell the secret.  Brothers and sisters, best friends, even enemies have secrets.  Adults have secrets as well.  No one escapes having a secret.  We may not call it a secret but we know that it is a secret.
     I grew up in a diverse family.  While much wasn't said about our family history, I believed what I was told.  Then one year when I was about 58 I learned that what I had been told wasn't true.  There were elements of my heritage that were true but the big picture wasn't.  So, not only been told the lie, I had been denied the secret.  There was no dishonor in the secret.  The secret of my past was magnified when I considered all whom I had told the lie to.  Now, I've done what I could to get the right story out there.  No need to worry unless there is more. 
     Remember when you had your first crush on "her" or "him"?  You were at that age when others were doing the same thing but no one talked about it.  So, we suffered alone with our feelings and anguish.  The secret sometimes came out as we were so obvious in our actions.  Surprisingly, when the crush became public knowledge you were most likely the last to know.  Then, as in all crushes, the feelings went away until the next crush.  Later you might find out that he or she had a crush on you at the same time!  Young love is so frustrating.  Why didn't they share their secret? 
     Those who were abused were to keep the secret.  Young boys and girls alike would "pretend" that this or that didn't really happen.  Secrets often have shame attached.  As kids, there is little understanding that could explain these secrets.  So the secrets would sit there controlling our lives.  Secrets are where we go when we don't know what to do with what has happened, been said, or implied.  Most people have secrets that drive them here and sometimes children and adults alike take the drastic step of suicide so that the secret can go away. 
     There are good secrets as well.  Not telling mom or dad what you made or are making for them in school.  Making "surprise" (another word for secret) plans for someone you care about.  Keeping information to yourself that would only serve to injure others.  We do carry burdens that we could share but choose not to.  God tells us that he created us in that secret place in our mother's womb.  He knit us together and knows every moment of every day of our lives.  He's not telling though.  It's a secret.  The direction we take in our life was intended to expose who He created us to be a little at a time.  Uncover the secret image of God in us.
     Ultimately, we have the choice.  We can keep or kill the secret.  Both will have consequences.  Some of those consequences will be good while other consequences will be negative.  It all depends on the choice we make.  I've adjusted to my "real" family history.  It's a fairly good history.  Nothing I will be called out on if I ever ran for office. 
     Finally, we have the choice of what to do with our faith.  Jesus wants us to shine like a light on a hill and not hide that light under a basket.  If we don't share then we have kept the secret.  If we share then we have brought life to someone who may need it as much as you needed it.  Maybe by doing so you and I will be encouraged to share the mystery of grace and others can be set free from the secret of their past.  It's up to you.  What are you going to do with Jesus?

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